Release Candidate 1 of peregrine 1.0 ‘The Jump’
The peregrine team is proud to announce the 1.0 RC1 release of the peregrine project.
About peregrine.
peregrine as an open source framework covers several aspects of instant messaging within an Easy-To-Use Qt API.
Our motivation is to provide:
- Device Vendors a modular and easy customizable Ui-Framework with support for communication technologies. (Fully Functional Modular Communication Client)
- Application Ui Developers a set of QML Components that allow you to use communication technologies without the need to know about technical details. Of course we support MeeGo UX and qt components. However, you can add your very own components layout to this list – if you like.
- Application and Middleware Developers a set of Qt-Models which cover the different communication options and allow easy deep system integration of your software
peregrine framework
peregrine QML components
peregrine QML components present an easy and convenient way to use a chat inside your application. The peregrine QML components provide the basic widgets needed to start, maintain and organize different means of communication. peregrine QML components are not hooked up with a specific UX, they allow you to use your own components, the Nokia-Qt-Components or MeeGo Ux.
They run on all MeeGo Core 1.2, and Nokia Harmattan compliant operating systems.
peregrine library
peregrine library got a huge update, coming now with a more convenient usage and API then ever before, together with our open source clients and components as reference it was never so easy to get into it.
To learn more, please follow the links to our Documentation and library doxygen.
peregrine Clients
Beside the pure framework we also worked on two client applications running peregrine.
Peregrine Handset
peregrine Handset will be released on Ovi Store for Nokia N9 and will be included into MeeGo CE. Our first release will not yet be a full replacement of the build-in Communication App, but will provide you with a more concentrated access to your current communication.
Checkout the video to get a better idea of peregrine on N9.
Peregrine Tablet
peregrine Tablet is included by default on KDE Plasma Active and can be installed on any MeeGo 1.2 Tablet and Netbook Release. However it is still in a study state and does not yet provide ‘end-user-quality’. But we think it’s good enough to share.
fo n950 you need this too
[01/09/2011 16:27:32] Jeremias Bosch: find
[01/09/2011 16:28:27] Jeremias Bosch:
[01/09/2011 16:34:46] Jeremias Bosch: 🙂
[01/09/2011 16:35:03] Jeremias Bosch: so finally RC1 done now straight to ovi
Source Peregrine