Pentaho Corporation today announced that it has made freely available under open source all the big data capabilities in its Kettle v4.3 release, and has moved the entire Pentaho Kettle project to the Apache License Version 2.0. This is the same open source license that Hadoop and others use. We have covered Pentaho before here.
Pentaho now can manipulate data stored in Apache Cassandra, Hadoop HDFS, Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Hive, Apache HBase and MongoDB. In addition, Pentaho Kettle’s Hadoop capabilities work with all major Hadoop distributions: Apache Hadoop, Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop (CDH), Cloudera Enterprise, Greenplum HD, Hadapt Adaptive Analytic Platform, HortonWorks Data Platform powered by Apache Hadoop, and MapR’s M3 Free and M5 Edition.
You can download a free 30-day trial, how-to docs, videos and more at their site.