Results for "Google"

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    eBooks on Mobile Phones

    Russell Beattie's just released a service called Mobdex, which serves up eBooks onto mobile phones. I had the pleasure of getting a sneak preview of Mobdex near the end of September, after Russ spotted a post about the Mobile Web on my blog and emailed me. So I've been waiting...

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    Top 24 of 2004

    There's a nice meme just started, asking people to list their Top 24 posts of 2004 (via). I decided to check out my web stats and dig out the most-visited posts of 2004 for Read/Write Web. They may not necessarily be "the best" posts in terms of quality, but the...

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    PubSub LinkRank

    I came across PubSub's LinkRank feature for the first time today. It's an interesting new measurement... Here is the official blurb, comparing it to Google PageRank:"Unlike Google's PageRank system, LinkRanks are not iterative. Rather, we base LinkRanks on a simple formula that only looks at local links - links which...

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    Tim O’Reilly Interview, Part 2: Business Models & RSS

    This is the second in a 3-part interview with O'Reilly Media CEO, Tim O'Reilly. In part 2, we discuss business models for Web 2.0 and the future of RSS.Business Models for Web ContentRichard: There's been a bit of discussion amongst bloggers recently about monetizing weblogs - making money off one's...

  • Web
    Tim O’Reilly Interview, Part 1: Web 2.0

    Welcome to the second in my series of Web 2.0 interviews, in which I interview people in the Web community who are building or shaping Web 2.0 - i.e. the Web as Platform. And who better to talk to than the person who organized the hugely successful Web 2.0 conference...

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    How to build a Web 2.0 company

    Jeremy Zawodny has written a terrific post about what makes a successful Web 2.0 company. It all comes down to ubiquity, according to Jeremy. The themes he covers dovetails with my next Web 2.0 interview (coming soon!), so I'll review his main points here in anticipation of that.Jeremy starts by...

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    Asymmetrical Analytics

    Interesting line of thought inspired by Ross Mayfield's post Blog-based Research Model, where he talks about research services shifting "from the end analysis product (.pdf) to the open process of research". That is, instead of relying upon bulky and expensive PDFs from the traditional analyst companies (Gartner and so forth),...

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    Interview with Lucas Gonze of Webjay

    Welcome to the first in a very special series of Web 2.0 interviews I'm conducting on Read/Write Web. My goal is to interview at least half a dozen people in the Web community who are building or shaping Web 2.0 - i.e. the Web as Platform.My first guest is Lucas...

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    Top Ten Blog Post Titles I Want To Use

    It's Friday afternoon where I live, so time for a less serious post. There's an art to creating good weblog post titles and most of the time I craft my post titles after I've written the post. However some post titles are just too good NOT to use, because they're...

  • Web
    Blogging as Marketplace and Ecology

    Jason Kottke wrote today that the blogging revolution will be commercialized. He said that "out of Technorati's top 100 most-linked weblogs, only 16 don't feature advertising or are otherwise noncommercial." NB: he had some provisos on who in the top 100 really qualifies as a blog.There are a lot of...

  • Web
    Content Renaissance On The Web

    Is it just me, or is CONTENT making a comeback on the Web? I've been reading a lot of the Web 2.0blogging and I sense, even from across the other side of the world, that the Web is entering another bubble of optimism. Frankly, I wish I was over in...

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    Why Yahoo! + RSS = Good Thing

    I've been readingup on Yahoo!'s decision to add RSS feeds to the mix of content they provide on the My Yahoo! portal. The decision for them is all about enhancing their strategy for users to put all their Web content "in one place" - their place. It's the same old...

  • Web
    Case Study of a Non-Geek Topic-Focused Blog: Fast Machines

    Last week I wrote about some examples of topic-focused blogs, all of which had technology-focused content. Josh Katinger left a comment pointing to his blog about motor racing, called Fast Machines. It didn't look like spam, so I clicked through and discovered that Josh runs a very good topic-focused blog....

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    What’s Your Brand?

    Keith Robinson is going through a re-branding exercise for his weblog. Even though I'm not focused on web design, I identify strongly with what Keith is trying to do - because I've been doing much the same thing over here. A few weeks ago I updated my About Me to...

  • Web
    Elvis and Me

    Elvis Costello and I share a birthday today. He's the big 5-0, while I'm the next generation down (I'd tell you my age, but I'm not ready for Google to know). Elvis and I also share the same name. He was born Declan MacManus and I was born - and...

  • Web
    Topic-focused Blogs: Examples

    So I've started a topic-focused blog, eBook Culture. Yesterday I outlined my personal goals for the site. Today I'm going to review examples of successful topic-focused blogs, from two people who are leading the way in this type of blog.PVRblog: product-centered contentProbably the most well known example of a topic-focused...

  • Web
    My Goals for eBook Culture

    One of my stated niches is 'web strategy' and I've written a couple of posts on this subject. However strategy is one of those things that is better practiced rather than preached. I could write a whole bunch of articles on strategy, but the only way for someone to be...

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    Morning Coffee Note: Heavy Themes

    As a follow-up to my Reliance post yesterday, which was on the subject of my dependence on web servers, I read something by Mitch Kapor this morning that resonates (even though his post was from a different context):"I think I've unfairly maligned servers in the past. It's not the server...

  • Web
    Notes on Tim O’Reilly’s Oscon 2004 speech

    One good thing about audio on the Web is that I can listen to things while I'm working. Which is precisely what I did this morning with Tim O'Reilly's keynote speech at the Open Source Convention currently being held in the US. The audio was done by IT Conversations, rapidly...

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    Sylvian and The System

    This is a Short Story by Richard MacManus. It takes a speculative look at what the blogosphere might be like in 20-30 years time.IMy name is sylvian and this is my story of The System. Twenty years ago it was called the Web. Back then people were making it up...

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