Results for "Google"

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    Weblogs should be topic-first, not author-first

    Clay Shirky (via Ross Mayfield): "The weblog world has taken the 4 elements of organization from mailing lists and usenet -- overall topic, time of post, post title, author -- and rearranged them in order of importance as author, time, and title, dispensing with topics altogether."This is something that makes...

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    CM for the masses

    Some quotes on the theme of content management (CM)...Gerry McGovern: "The Web may have been the almost exclusive domain of techies. Today, it is increasingly the domain of communicators."Bill Gates: "Whether it's handling a classified ad or handling editorials, the authoring tools for these things no longer require an IT...

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    C List blogger checks his stats

    I admit it. I regularly check my stats at Technorati and Blogshares, plus I do some search engine checks now and then. Everyone does it. I have to say I'm not exactly setting the world on fire in terms of popularity. I'm probably a 'C List' blogger at most :-)...

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    Apple and the Universal Canvas

    Micah Alpern asked via my Comments form: "Wasn't this term [universal canvas] first popularized by Apple with their failed OpenDoc program?" Only one way to find out and that's pay a visit to Google. I found a definition of OpenDoc, but I didn't see anything that had OpenDoc and Universal Canvas in the...

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    Rich XML writing tools

    I read with interest Jon Udell's OSCOM keynote slides. The main subject is how to write the web "in a rich way" - and by "rich" he means semantic. Udell talks about there being a lack of easy-to-use XML writing tools for the Web. Weblog tools are user-friendly and they...

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    Blogroll bug update

    I posted a question onto the Radio Userland discussion list. I asked why updates to my OPML blogroll don't automatically update my weblog menu. Nobody had an answer. A Google search came up empty too. But from my own checks it does seem that when you update your blogroll.opml file in your Gems folder,...

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    RSS – Subscribing to Topics

    RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, or Rich Site Summary, depending on who you listen to. Either way RSS has become the poster child for the Publish-Subscribe protocol. RSS allows weblog and website owners to syndicate their content to anyone who wishes to subscribe to it. Usually people subscribe to...

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