Results for "Google"

We found 15867 results for your search.
  • Web
    Beginning to see the light

    I've always wanted to namecheck that great Velvet Underground song. I wore my teeth in my hands...So I could mess the hair of the night. Anyway, Sébastien Paquet has posted a suggestion to improve the Topic Exchange - which reminded me of my own efforts to ignite the topics community...

  • Web
    The Bore-osphere

    In answer to all the blogs I've read today:1. No I don't want a friggin' Gmail account. 2. I don't want to read your opinion on Dave Winer closing down 3000 blogs. 3. I don't even care about Firefox 0.9 being released.Maybe I'm just in a bad mood today....

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    Fixed a couple of CSS bugs

    This is a boring post about fixing a couple of tedious Internet Explorer CSS bugs. But I want to record it for my own records and for future Google searchers.1) The IE Italics bug - in the past I used italics whenever I quoted somebody. However on certain CSS designs,...

  • Web
    Reaching for the Golden Ring (or Getting Paid)

    All this hullaballoo about Movable Type's new licensing structure is just another example of one of the Web's enduring issues: how to make money on the Web when users are accustomed to free lunches. It's not just an issue for developers either, it's as bad (if not worse) for writers....

  • Web
    Napoleon’s Glance – the Art of Web Strategy

    In my day job I'm currently working on a Web Strategy for my company. I've created web strategies in the past and I enjoy doing them. At the previous company I worked for, a telecommunications multinational, I wrote a Web Strategy to merge the websites of the New Zealand and...

  • Web
    Interview with Marc Canter

    Read/Write Web is pleased to bring you this special feature, an interview with software pioneer Marc Canter. Marc is one of the founding fathers of multimedia, having created tools and content in the medium since the late 70's and early 80's. He formed a company called MacroMind in 1984 and...

  • Web
    Much Ado About Comments

    I've noticed that a few of my favourite webloggers are being hit by comment spam. Bill Seitz's WikiLog has been hammered this week and Andrew Chen noticed this morning a new trick. A spammer had exactly mirrored a comment made by me a few days ago on Andrew's weblog, using my name but replacing my URL with its...

  • Social
    Game Neverstarting?

    Does anyone know when the beta of Game Neverending will start? I signed up a month ago, but I've only received one email from them and it basically said: wait till the beta starts. I can't find any timelines on the official site. Incidentally my GNE article is currently the...

  • Web
    Individualizing the Web

    Summary: I analyse a 1994 Personal Information Management program and compare its goals to what we want in in a similar tool in 2004. I discover the requirements are basically the same.The blogosphere is mostly a synchronous give-and-take of content. People largely comment on and link to things that other people are...

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    XSLT, 2004 goals, and general blather

    Man it gets quiet in the blogosphere over xmas. I've had to resort to some real work to keep myself occupied. I've been diving into XSLT to try and develop something interesting for my weblog's topic-based navigation. XSLT can be infuriating at times. I got most of what I wanted...

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    Aesthetic Morality in the 21st Century

    Morality in art has always been a fascination of mine. And by art I mean literature, music, movies - the works. Some weblogs even. A favourite artist of mine is the great Canadian pianist Glenn Gould. One of Gould's theories was that music should be judged on moral considerations rather...

  • Web
    Motivations: comparisons between novel-writing and blogging

    I had written a long post describing my motivations for writing my novel, but on reflection I won't publish it because it belongs more to my personal journal than on a public website. That is to say, it's probably only relevant to me. But to sum up in a sentence: my...

  • Web
    Will of its own

    I posted this on my linkblog, but I feel like publishing it here too. I heard some of Rautavaara's Symphony Number 7 (Angel of Light) a few weeks ago, for the first time, and I was quite taken by the music. It reminded me of The Matrix. So anyway tonight...

  • Web
    Is this the beginning of the Age of Topic-focused Blogs?

    I read with interest Matt Haughey's essay Blogging for Dollars, where he relates his experiences running Google's Adsense adverts on his TiVo-focused weblog, PVRblog. Matt is making a pretty penny running the Google ads on his TiVo blog and one of the main reasons why is that it is focused...

  • Social
    Ideas swirling around – on Microcontent applications

    Soon I'm going to shut up and do some actual work on my Web of Ideas application. But I have to note a few interesting things that have surfaced recently on the topics of ideas and microcontent. Firstly, Erik Benson has just released his own Ideas Database. As to be...

  • Social
    Sparrow Web, webOutliner and Web of Ideas

    I'm doing some research into an Ideas Database web application, prompted by my recent Web of Ideas post (and its sequel). I have a Movable Type sandbox blog set up as a base for development. I'm planning on using XTM (XML Topic Maps) and/or ENT (Easy News Topics) as the engine...

  • Social

    The problem with blogging is it's easy to get distracted by ideas you can't do anything about. My previous post illustrates this. In it I railed against Microsoft for wanting to build its own proprietory platform for Web applications. I wrote about it because I'm concerned about the future of the World Wide Web, in...

  • Web
    The Web is no Model T

    Robert Scoble has written a couple of posts recently about Microsoft products being a platform:1. Robert quoting Kevin Warbach: "The Internet companies that have thrived while AOL faltered -- Microsoft,, eBay, Google -- have two things in commons. They are deeply technology-driven, but they see technology not as an...

  • Web
    Web of Ideas

    A lot of people are getting pretty excited about "social software". Bloggers like Joi Ito and Marc Canter are writing with gusto about social software. I'm hearing lots of trendy new acronyms and phrases - FOAF, MetaBlogs, "reputation systems", "web of trust", "moblogging", "micro-content", etc etc. It's all getting to be a blur....

  • Web
    John Robb leaves Userland

    News today that Userland CEO John Robb has left the company. Dave Winer says about Userland's future direction:"We're going to try to do something fun, unique, and powerful with UserLand's position in the weblog and content tools market, and we're going to try to include the community in the business, i.e. people...

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