Results for "Google"

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  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 9-15 May 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Greasemonkey mayhem, Ajax fever, Web Design Minimalism mojo, Blogpoly Fun!, Yahoo Music Engine rave.Greasemonkey gives power to power usersWhat is Greasemonkey? According to the homepage, it's "a Firefox extension which lets you to add bits of DHTML ("user scripts") to any web page to change its behavior."...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 2-8 May 2005

    sponsored by:This week: business folk getting interested in Web 2.0, Adam Curry podcasting from 2.0 perspective, cool Web 2.0 'mini-apps', wrap-up of the adverts in RSS debate, Bosworth's Web of Data.From MBA to Master of Web 2.0?I get accused of being too geeky sometimes on Read/Write Web (no argument there!)....

  • Web
    2.0 News

    I'm trying again with a branded daily update of Web 2.0 news and views. Not content with cornering the "Web 2.0" niche in blogs, I'm now making a play for the term "2.0" ;-) Let me know what you think of the new format.Backpack: Web 2.0 Email?Popular Web Design firm...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 25 Apr – 1 May 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Google turns up the heat, Yahoo burns to be a media bigco, Microsoft's 64-bit light at the end of the tunnel, blogging media empires warm their hands by the advertising fire, Craigslist - GoogleMaps make a combustible combo.Google's Preemptive StrikeIn the Mojo Cold War, Yahoo took the...

  • Web
    Is Microsoft a Web 2.0 company? (alt title: The Center of the Universe)

    Summary: Yes Microsoft is a Web 2.0 company, because their goal is to use the Web as a Platform. The difference is they'll use the Web as a Platform via millions of Windows-run 'devices'. That'll be their interface into Web 2.0.The Yahoo Search team has a vision called FUSE -...

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    The New New Journalism

    Now that I'm part of the new Silicon Valley Watcher network, reporting on RSS, I've got to thinking about how I fit into this new world of blog-journalism. Here's the beginnings of my theory on this... Back in the 70's Tom Wolfe coined a style of news writing called New...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 18-24 Apr 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Macrobe/Adobemedia, sports RSS feeds, Google and Yahoo MojoWatch, Mobile Web 2.0 woes, Dan Gillmor's Web 3.0.Web Design Bigco: Adobe buys MacromediaThis was all over the Web Tech part of the blogosphere this week and the general feeling was one of surprise that two Web Design heavyweights have...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Noted

    John Battelle: "In the Web 2.0 world, it matter less that you have a major media company behind you, what matters is if your voice and point of view are considered valuable by your audience." Weekend Readings on Web 2.0 - hey Rafat, since you hate the term 'Web 2.0',...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 11-17 Apr 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Aggregators trendy, Yahoo News vs Google News, Rupert Murdoch on the Mount, RSS Readers in bloom, new kinds of Kool-Aid.Aggregators Trending UpwardsThe Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) and analyst firm Outsell released a report on the Information Industry this week. They estimate the industry is worth...

  • Web
    RSS and The Big 3

    I've been following what the 3 big Internet companies have been doing with RSS and I largely agree with Dave Winer's recent assessment:"Yahoo is dashing in front, with Microsoft close behind. Why isn't Google in the race?"Yahoo has been by far the most proactive company of the 3 this year....

  • Web
    Yahoo News Re-design: Initial Thoughts

    A couple of weeks ago OJR reported that Yahoo News - "the second most trafficked News & Information site on the Web" - was in the process of a re-design. That design has now gone live in beta form, with the tagline "More News. More Relevant. More About You."From a...

  • Web
    Firefox, VCs, MSN Spaces

    A daily shot of news from your favourite Web 2.0 blog. Each item has a main link, one or two lines of R/WW commentary, plus views of the story from other bloggers.Start-up building on top of FirefoxZDNet reports that a company called Round Two is building "a new crop of...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 4-10 Apr 2005

    This week: non-blog uses for RSS (including Enterprise and Consumer), a new web-based delivery system for Associated Press, RSS advertising, Bigco action, Bloglines vs Technorati.RSS not only for blogsRight now there's a lot of activity around utilising RSS outside blogging. I've said before that blogging is and always will be...

  • Web
    JupiterResearch Blogging: RSS Readers: Part 1

    Recently I was invited by JupiterResearch VP & Research Director Michael Gartenberg to be a part of their new blogging program. The deal: I get a free copy of an analyst report relevant to my specialty and in return I will offer my own blog-style analysis of it. What this...

  • Web
    Bloglines’ Search-based Makeover – In The Big League Now

    A couple of weeks ago Microsoft's new web-based RSS Aggregator prototype was discovered. I wrote then (also in my weekly wrap-up) that even though technically the prototype wasn't that special, it did reveal Microsoft's business strategy for RSS. Which is that Microsoft intends to integrate RSS Aggregation with its MSN...

  • Web
    Rev ’em up: 2005 Web 2.0 Conference

    I'm just back from sunny Gold Coast, all theme-parked out, and already I'm planning my family's next trip. I'd love to make it to the next Web 2.0 conference, October 5-7 in San Francisco. It'll be my first ever trip to America. Of course, the conference ticket price will be...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 7-13 Mar 2005

    This week: Microsoft's RSS Aggregator, mobile web 2.0, open source web 2.0 (stats, adverts, topics), Structured Blogging, ETech.Well this week has been a blur of activity for me and my server. First off I launched an RSS statistics project with Jon Udell and Feedburner, then later in the week I...

  • Web
    Microsoft’s Web-based RSS Aggregator?

    SiliconBeat has a scoop. They point to a sandbox version of a working web-based RSS Aggregator - from Microsoft! I had a very quick play-round (note it doesn't work in Firefox) and it's similar to MyYahoo, but what's most interesting is the strong integration with MSN Search. Hmmmm.Click to enlargeNB:...

  • Web
    Open Source RSS Statistics

    A collaborative stats project using Feedburner data was launched on this blog yesterday. It's an informal project, but I really hope the blogosphere gets behind it. I've even brought out the old Uncle Sam Needs You! image :-) Basically we need: a) your Feedburner data, and/or b) your analysis. It...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 28 Feb – 6 Mar 2005

    Time for your weekly dose of Web 2.0. This week: Yahoo yahoo yahoo (is there an echo in here?), Wikipedia, Web 2.0 start-ups, AutoLink (I know, but bear with me...), Ruby on Rails. btw what's the best time of the week to publish this regular feature of R/WW? OK let's...

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