Home Top Ten Blog Post Titles I Want To Use

Top Ten Blog Post Titles I Want To Use

It’s Friday afternoon where I live, so time for a less serious post. There’s an art to
creating good weblog post titles and most of the time I craft my post titles after
I’ve written the post. However some post titles are just too good NOT to use, because
they’re witty or amusingly cliched or just downright memorable! Here’s a list of blog
post titles I have on hold, each of which I hope to deploy someday. Feel free to add
yours in the comments.

Instructions: Where there’s a blank (—–), fill it in with your favourite buzzword.
e.g. a popular buzzword currently is “Podcast” – try inserting that into the suggestions
below (it may need to be pluralised in some cases).

1. Dude, Where’s My —–?

2. Is That A —– In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Pleased To See Me

3. Mo’ Better —–

4. —– Considered Harmful

5. The Great —– Experiment

6. —– Is The New Black

7. —– As A Platform

8. How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The —–

9. —–, It’s All Greek To Me **

10. Read/Write Web Acquired By Google For $100 Million

** nb: the second-to-last one was inspired by my favourite newspaper headline of all
time. It was by a British tabloid, during the time of the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
Australian officials had mistakenly issued
a coin that depicted a coliseum, symbolic of ancient Rome, instead of a Greek
amphitheater. The headline read: Rome or Athens, it’s all Greek to the

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