Results for "spotify"

We found 708 results for your search.
  • Social
    Facebook’s Mobile Push Aims To Cut Apple Out As Middle Man

    We've been piling loads of criticism on Facebook for not having a clearly articulated mobile strategy as it pushes towards its initial public offering. Today, the company took the first step towards allaying those fears.Bret Taylor, Facebook's chief technology officer, wowed the Mobile World Congress Tuesday, uneviling a series of...

  • Mobile
    AT&T’s Dual-Sided Pipe is Bad for Developers

    AT&T may be instituting a "pay to play" program for mobile app developers in the next year in which publishers would pay for the bandwidth consumers use on their mobile apps. The Wall Street Journal reported today that AT&T's head of network and technology John Donovan compared the service to...

  • Entertainment
    Digitizing Music History: John Peel’s 65,000 Vinyl Records to Be Put Online

    When it comes to the history of modern popular music, the importance of the late radio DJ John Peel can hardly be overstated. During his nearly 40-year tenure at the BBC, Peel welcomed hundreds of artists in the studio to record Peel Sessions, from legendary classic rock acts and Grammy...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Twitter Uploads Your Address Book Too and more

    Twitter admits it too uploads and stores contacts from your phone, if you use the "Find friends" feature, without notification. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories....

  • Entertainment
    Music Labels at Their Worst: Sony’s Whitney Houston PR Gaffe

    As news spread on Saturday that famed singer Whitney Houston had died, millions of fans around the world did what is now customary. Well, first they tweeted about it. Then they went to one of the many sources of online music to reminisce. Whether by streaming songs from YouTube or...

  • Entertainment
    How Developers Are Shaping the Future of Music

    That the music industry has radically changed in the last decade is a serious understatement. Technology has altered everything from the creation of music to its distribution, upending retailers, studios and business models across the industry. But it's not all bad news. Music isn't dying so much as evolving, and...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Social Media Salaries, Stats and more

    OnWardSearch releases an infographic showing the typical salaries for social media professionals. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what...

  • Social
    MySpace’s Music Focus Pays Off

    The social Web space is abuzz with new developments and entrants these days. Facebook's IPO. The explosion of Pinterest. The rapid evolution of Google+ into a place where the President of the United States hangs out. One name you never hear is one that was all the rage just a...

  • Entertainment
    “This is My Jam” is Like Pinterest for Music

    You know how it goes. One way or another, you get introduced to a new song, it sticks in your head and you want to share it with your Internet buddies. There are a few ways to go about it. You could find the song on YouTube and post a...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: January’s List of Apps You Need to See and more

    Dan Rowinski rounds up the best apps, in our opinion, of January 2012. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of...

  • Entertainment
    Were and “Group Listening” Just a Summertime Fad?

    Other than Spotify, there could hardly have been a more buzz-worthy music startup this summer than The group listening and virtual DJing app seemed to come out of nowhere and take the Web by storm, grabbing funding and users in huge quantities. The company, which rose from the pivot-generated...

  • Entertainment
    Is the Digital Music Revolution Really Ruining Sound Quality?

    It seems like every advance in digital music brings with it a debate about whether the latest format degrades quality in exchange for convenience. This was true when CDs first came onto the scene, and it's probably even more true today with MP3s and their digital audio brethren. Heck, even...

  • Web
    Get Ready For a World of Connected Devices

    "This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it." HAL; 2001: A Space OdysseyEditor's note: this is a longer version of ReadWriteWeb Editor-in-chief Richard MacManus' article for the SAY Media newsletter. The newsletter is delivered weekly and features SAY Media's take on media, culture, venn diagrams...

  • Social
    Hate the Facebook News Ticker? Some Can Now Hide It

    Users made a big stink about the Facebook news ticker, that annoying, constantly updating feed in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage. Facebook responded. Now some users have the option to hide the ticker. This is good news for people who prefer to use the news feed and would...

  • Social
    Hate the Facebook News Ticker? Some Can Now Hide It

    Users made a big stink about the Facebook news ticker, that annoying, constantly updating feed in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage. Facebook responded. Now some users have the option to hide the ticker. This is good news for people who prefer to use the news feed and would...

  • Entertainment
    More Songs Doesn’t Make Raditaz Better Than Pandora [UPDATED]

    If you've spent more than a few tracks worth of time playing with Pandora, you know that you can't access every song or even every artist you may be into. You can find plenty of music by the Pixies, for example, but another favorite from my college days, Liz Phair,...

  • Entertainment
    More Songs Doesn’t Make Raditaz Better Than Pandora [UPDATED]

    If you've spent more than a few tracks worth of time playing with Pandora, you know that you can't access every song or even every artist you may be into. You can find plenty of music by the Pixies, for example, but another favorite from my college days, Liz Phair,...

  • Entertainment
    SoundCloud Hits 10 Million Users, Launches Instagram Storytelling Mashup

    Not even two years after reaching 1 million users, social audio service SoundCloud announced today that it has surpassed the 10 million user mark. The Berlin-based company has risen to become a major force in audio content creation and sharing on the Web, becoming a sort of "YouTube for audio"...

  • Web
    International Reaction to Megaupload Indictment: This Means War

    A sizable chunk of Internet traffic went dark yesterday. No, I'm not talking about a SOPA protest. The #91 Web site on the entire Internet, Megaupload, was taken down after U.S. authorities executed a warrant to seize its Virginia-based servers and arrest four of its proprietors in New Zealand. To...

  • Web
    International Reaction to Megaupload Indictment: This Means War

    A sizable chunk of Internet traffic went dark yesterday. No, I'm not talking about a SOPA protest. The #91 Web site on the entire Internet, Megaupload, was taken down after U.S. authorities executed a warrant to seize its Virginia-based servers and arrest four of its proprietors in New Zealand. To...

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