Results for "spotify"

We found 708 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for April 2012

    Following all the great apps released for iOS and Android in March, it seemed like we were in for an April letdown. That is not the case. Some huge names published great apps this month, including Google releasing its Drive app for Android and Instagram making its debut outside of...

  • Mobile
    Defining the Post-App Economy

    Even as the battle rages over native apps vs. the mobile Web, the real question is already becoming "What comes next?" Developers are looking for ways to disrupt the so-called "App Economy," especially as it pertains to Apple's handling of the App Store. Assuming that the mobile Web's cross-platform openness...

  • Entertainment
    Can Anonymous Fix Online Music?

    The digital music space is flourishing, yet at the same time, it remains fractured by a multitude of separate services and apps.It's a problem that hacktivist collective Anonymous blames on the dominance that major labels still exert over the industry. The solution, the group says, is what it calls a...

  • Social
    Why Facebook Social Reading Apps Don’t Work

    Facebook has begun showing some users a "Trending Articles" section right inside their news feeds, whether they want it or not. It's the most aggressive strategy Facebook has tried yet to push people to use Open Graph reading apps. Could it be that the most annoying feature of Facebook isn't...

  • Entertainment
    Tomahawk: Fixing Our Fractured Digital Music Collections

    Technology has done amazing things for music in the last decade. Sure, the large, traditional industry players are making less money, but there are now vastly more players, and the ecosystem that's emerging looks pretty awesome.Despite all the music streaming services and startups out there, there still exists a major...

  • Entertainment
    How Digital Music Innovation Will Suffer if Universal Acquires EMI

    The music business, to say the least, ain't what it used to be. To be precise, the industry has shrunk by about 50% since Napster's heyday, and virtually nobody expects it to fully bounce back. The major labels know this and have tried just about everything to remain dominant, including...

  • Social
    5 Things the Experts Say You Need to Know About the Facebook-Instagram Merger

    Depending on which hastily pasted-together analysis you believe, Facebook's $1 billion acquisition Monday is reason enough to close your Instagram account, and Facebook is going to ruin Instagram. We're not buying it, so instead we spent Monday interviewing a dozen experts for their thoughts and opinions on the deal.All agreed...

  • Web
    Why The Future of Shazam Is TV, Not Music

    Shazam is one of the most popular smartphone apps of all time. Most people know it as that clever app that "listens" to a song and identifies the name of it. Today Shazam released the fifth major version of its iPhone app. But what's more interesting is Shazam's increasing focus...

  • Mobile
    The Nokia Lumia 900 Will Be the Key to Driving Developer Interest in Windows Phone

    The Windows Phone Marketplace is a sad, sorry place. It is a land of copycat games, worn-out titles and a plethora of apps that border on outright spam. Since the end of 2011, it has grown from about 40,000 apps to nearly 70,000, but any subjective analysis of those new...

  • Mobile
    New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for March 2012

    It has been a great month for apps. Both iOS and Android had big markers in March, as Apple released the new iPad and Google rebranded the Android Market as Google Play. Developers have been hard at work creating apps for each platform and some great games, social apps and...

  • Mobile
    10 AirPlay-Ready iPad Apps That Make Apple TV Worth It

    When I first unboxed the new 1080p Apple TV and plugged it in, I wasn't blown away. Having used a Boxee Box for the last 16 months, I've come to expect flexibility and a broad selection of content sources from my streaming set-top boxes. In fact, after several minutes of...

  • Mobile
    Why the New iPad is a Worthwhile Upgrade, Especially For iPad 1 Owners

    Apple's third generation tablet has only been available for a few days, but early reports suggest it's been yet another successful launch. Three million iPads were sold on the first day of the new hardware's availability, breaking records for both Apple and AT&T. So should you buy one? That depends....

  • Entertainment
    Now You Can Scrobble Songs You Hear on YouTube to

    For all the excitement over streaming services, cloud lockers, Internet radio and newer trends like group listening, one of the biggest sources of music online is a site that was built for other purposes all together. YouTube has become a major repository of music over the years, and its smartphone...

  • Entertainment
    SoundCloud Moves Toward Email Marketing With Its Latest Labs Feature

    These days, how musicians make money from their work is no longer set in stone. Some may do well selling physical records or digital downloads, while many new artists look at digital music as more of a marketing tool. Sometimes a track is worth 99 cents. Sometimes it's free. Increasingly,...

  • Entertainment
    SoundCloud Moves Toward Email Marketing With Its Latest Labs Feature

    These days, how musicians make money from their work is no longer set in stone. Some may do well selling physical records or digital downloads, while many new artists look at digital music as more of a marketing tool. Sometimes a track is worth 99 cents. Sometimes it's free. Increasingly,...

  • Mobile
    New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for February 2012

    As smartphones and tablets end up in the hands of more people, the volume of apps continues to rise exponentially. We noted that January had the highest download rate of the top 200 iOS apps from the Apple App Store than any month previous. February will likely break that record...

  • Mobile
    How to Throttle AT&T in Small Claims Court

    AT&T's worst nightmares may about to become a reality. After user Matthew Spaccarelli successfully sued the U.S. wireless carrier in a California small claims court over the speed throttling of his unlimited data plan, the doors were thrown open for thousands of users across the country to take similar actions....

  • Social
    Facebook Expands Media Sharing on Timeline – Too Much Content, Not Enough Social?

    One of the intriguing aspects of Facebook Timeline, ever since the initial launch last September, is how it highlights the media you consume. Music you listen to, videos you watch, newspapers and books you read, and (more recently) images you "pin" on Pinterest. Facebook termed the concept frictionless sharing, because...

  • Entertainment
    Apple to Answer Neil Young’s Wishes With High-Fidelity iTunes Audio

    Earlier this month, Neil Young made headlines with a biting critique of the state of digital music. In particular, it's the audio quality that bugs Young. Even the highest quality MP3's contain only a fraction of the audio data found in the original master recordings, and industry veterans like Young...

  • Web
    Big Question (Answered): Will Apple Enter the Streaming Music Game?

    Variety abounds in the streaming music game. Spotify, Pandora,, Rdio, Slacker, MOG, Turntable... You really have your pick in streaming services. As yet, Apple has stayed out of the fray. As we look towards the upcoming Apple event, we wonder if that will change? Do you expect Apple to...

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