Results for "spotify"

We found 707 results for your search.
  • Social
    Not Every App Is Joining Facebook’s Oversharing World

    Spotify was essential to Facebook's frictionless sharing plan. But not every app is down for cluttering news feeds with moment-to-moment information about what its users are doing, saying, thinking and listening to. Music streaming service Pandora, for one, is staying out of Facebook's social apps completely. "It's true that music...

  • Social
    Report: Facebook Launching Open Graph Apps This Week

    Facebook is ready to unleash a string of verbs into your Timeline. According to a report from AllThingsD, the Facebook Open Graph will be unleashed on the ecosystem this week bringing more "read, watch, listen" applications to the social platform. Open Graph apps that track what you eat, where and...

  • Entertainment
    10 Ways Facebook Is Integrating Into Your TV, Music, Games, Cars & Cameras

    The world's biggest social network wants to change the way you share TV shows, music and games. Think frictionless sharing meets social TV for all media. Given what Facebook recent announcements about integration with cameras and cars, is full media integration? If you're still unsure, take a hint from this:...

  • Entertainment
    How the Web and Mobile Tech Are Changing How People Learn Music

    That the Web has revolutionized music is not exactly a news flash, but most people typically think about that in terms of music consumption. iTunes. YouTube. SoundCloud. Spotify. Group listening sites like Recommendation engines like those of Pandora, and the Echo Nest. Now voice-controlled Internet radio apps are...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: ICANN’s New Generic Top Level Domains and More

    Dan Rowinski gives you everything you need to know about the new domain name system. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a...

  • Social
    Listen To Music With Your Facebook Friends Via Chat

    Looking for a quick pick-me-up in those late afternoon hours, I've found myself heading over to my Spotify account to check out what Facebook friends are listening to. While this has been a neat way to notice shared music tastes, there's still something awkward about it. Unless I've already had...

  • Web
    Dating a Geek? Take This Compatibility Quiz

    Dating a geek can be a lot of fun: we all want our live-in tech support. Let's face it, geeks can be sexy too. But how do you know when you have a ringer or the real deal? And what if one of you is a PC and the other...

  • Entertainment
    Facebook’s Frictionless Sharing Comes to Your TV With Boxee

    Whether you love it or hate it, Facebook's so-called frictionless sharing concept isn't going away anytime soon. From songs played on Spotify to articles read on the Washington Post, everything your friends consume via participating sites is broadcast to the news ticker in real time. Today, the social TV and...

  • Entertainment
    Facebook’s Frictionless Sharing Comes to Your TV With Boxee

    Whether you love it or hate it, Facebook's so-called frictionless sharing concept isn't going away anytime soon. From songs played on Spotify to articles read on the Washington Post, everything your friends consume via participating sites is broadcast to the news ticker in real time. Today, the social TV and...

  • Social
    FTC Asked To Investigate Possible Facebook Timeline Privacy Violations

    The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has sent a letter to the FTC asking it to investigate privacy breaches and the new Facebook Timeline. "With Timeline, Facebook has once again taken control over the user's data from the user and has now made information that was essentially achieved and inaccessible...

  • Social
    Instagram’s Facebook Integration Just Got Tighter

    Last night, I pulled out my phone, snapped a photo and began cycling through Instagram filters looking for the best one. Nothing unusual there. I chose to share this particular image on Twitter and Facebook as well (something many Instagrammers do somewhat judiciously, lest we be spammy), and a few...

  • Entertainment
    What SoundCloud’s Massive New Funding Means

    What becomes possible when technology cuts out the middlemen in music publishing and distribution? A lot of very strange and sometimes wonderful things.Berlin based music and audio sharing network SoundCloud has raised a reported $50m more venture capital from the super prestigious Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Mike Butcher at...

  • Social
    Dead? Social Media’s Explosive Growth is Only Beginning

    Social media, types of media where everyday people can publish and subscribe to what one another publishes, have changed the world. At least in the United States, though, their rapid expansion through acquisition of new users may be over.Facebook specialist Eric Eldon published a compilation of statistics from around the...

  • Social
    Study: Twitter’s Early Growth Relied On Geographic Proximity

    The takeaway from an MIT study released Wednesday, tracking the early growth of Twitter, is that new Web technologies - particularly social networks that rely on adoption by other users - cannot depend solely on online buzz (or even Ashton Kutcher, for that matter).The study tracked data from 2006 to...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s 2012 Staff Predictions (And What We Got Wrong in 2011)

    Oh, the hubris of year-end predictions posts. How did ReadWriteWeb do last year? We nailed a few of our guesses informed forecasts: 2011 saw the arrival of a $200 tablet, a Verizon iPhone, and Spotify in the U.S. We rightly predicted that Kevin Rose would leave Digg, NewsCorp would sell...

  • Social
    2012 Predictions: Alicia Eler

    It's the end of a big week here at ReadWriteWeb. For one, we just got acquired by SAY Media. As I sit here thinking about what happened in 2011 and what's to come in 2012, I keep in mind the simple fact that soon ReadWriteWeb will be operating under a...

  • Smartphone
    9 Must-Have Apps for the Nokia N9 MeeGo Harmattan

        PORTLAND, OR, United States – As readers may know, I’ve been using the Nokia N9 for the better part of four weeks. I found the out of the box experience on the N9 to be very adequate with native support for Skype, Twitter, my numerous email accounts and...

  • Web
    Top 10 Consumer Cloud Applications of 2011

    For the last few years, many everyday folks who've been asked in surveys, "What is a cloud application?" have either guessed wrong or said they don't know. Folks don't know what "the cloud" is, and for the most part, that's not their fault. Unlike the Internet, which truly is a...

  • Entertainment
    As Lawsuits Grow, Grooveshark May Be Headed the Way of Napster

    Things are not looking good for Grooveshark. The controversial music streaming site has been banned from the major mobile app stores and is in the process of being sued by Universal Music Group for copyright infringement. Yes, that's the same UMG that apparently thinks its right to remove content from...

  • Mobile
    Facebook Timeline Goes Live On Android, Mobile Site But Not iOS App

    Today Facebook launched the much anticipated Timeline and Timeline mobile for Android and its HTML5 mobile site But Timeline mobile for the Facebook iOS app is nowhere to be found. Timeline on the iPhone will be available in a future update of the Facebook iOS app, a Facebook spokesperson...

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