Results for "spotify"

We found 708 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    Heavenly Music in The Clouds: iTunes Match, Amazon Cloud Drive & Google Music

    Continuing our series about the Consumer Cloud, today we compare the three leading music cloud services: Apple's iTunes Match (just launched today), Amazon's Cloud Drive and Google Music. With these three highly competitive services, online music fans have never had it so good.There are two main battles going on in...

  • Entertainment
    Is a Social Redesign Enough to Save Grooveshark?

    Music streaming service Grooveshark recently launched a visual refresh for its website, giving it a more social focus. Much like other freemium music services such as Rdio and Spotify, the new Grooveshark includes a news feed of recent activity and the ability to comment on other user's listening activity. The...

  • Web
    How The Web Became Just Another Interface to the Cloud

    For years, everyone was talking about the convergence of interfaces. The Web, and as a result, the browser, were "clearly" about to take over as the major platforms and cloud computing emerged. Then, in March 2008, Steve Jobs unleashed the iOS followed by the mobile apps revolution. What seems to...

  • Social
    Teens Don’t Live in Public on Social Media Sites

    Sixty-two percent of teens set their profiles to private (friends only) on social media sites, according to results from a recent study by Pew Internet entitled "Teens, kindness and cruelty on social networking sites." Nineteen percent set their profiles to partially private, and 17% leave their profiles completely public.Teens with...

  • Mobile
    There Is A 6-Story Windows Phone In Manhattan: Why That Matters

    If you happen to be in Manhattan in the near future, head over to 34th Street Herald Square and take note of the giant Windows Phone that has taken up residence there. It is huge. It is also a perfect representative of what Microsoft is willing to do to push...

  • Social
    Is Group Collaboration Tool Zwiggo Better for Businesses or Friends?

    Zwiggo touts itself as a group collaboration tool where you can share photos, posts, calendars, favorite books, chats, files, to-do lists, date planners, yellow notes, maps, list voting, forums and bookmarks. It does not integrate with Twitter or Facebook, and its API is already free and open to developers. With...

  • Entertainment Launches an Awesome Music Discovery iPad App Fueled By Blogs, a music aggregation and curation site that got a ton of buzz over the summer, launched its iPad app today. The app is being touted by the company as a "Flipboard for music," but we think that comparison has its limitations, and that's okay. Music blogs have become a...

  • Entertainment
    Blackberry’s BBM Music Service is Here, But Do You Want It?

    Two months after going into private beta, BBM Music, a mobile music streaming service for Blackberry users, is now available in the device's native app store. The new service lands in a somewhat crowded space, but focuses on social sharing among Blackberry users specifically, something that may set it apart...

  • Social
    Facebook Timeline & The New Lifestreaming Era

    3 key points you need to know about Facebook Timeline, gleaned from two previous "lifestreaming" products: FriendFeed and Memolane.Facebook's new Timeline, currently in a limited developer release but set to be unveiled to its hundreds of millions of users any day now, is going to shake up the social networking...

  • Mobile
    55% of Real-Time Entertainment is Consumed on TV, Mobile Device or Tablet

    Real-time entertainment traffic dominates the Web now; and over half of it happens on devices other than a PC or laptop computer. This according to a new report by research company Sandvine. The report states that "by volume, 55% of Real-Time Entertainment traffic is destined for the television (either directly...

  • Social
    Facebook Timeline: Negative Feedback May Have Caused Rollout Delay

    It's been over a month since Facebook launched a "Developer Release" version its new profile page, the Timeline. The new design was supposed to have been made available to all of Facebook's users in "a few weeks," but it's now almost two weeks overdue. There's been no official word from...

  • Entertainment
    SoundCloud and APIs Mashed Up into New Music Discovery App

    A music discovery app for iOS that went live recently shows just what's possible when digital music services open up their libraries and functionality via powerful APIs. Twist Radio takes the music recommendation engine from and uses it to help users explore music from SoundCloud. The result is an...

  • Social
    Is SoundCloud The Next YouTube? [Interview]

    One of the talking points of Mary Meeker's presentation at Web 2.0 Summit yesterday was the future of sound. Meeker claimed that sound would soon be bigger than video on the Web. Specifically, she name-checked Spotify, Siri and SoundCloud. Siri is already a part of Apple, but the other two...

  • Web
    Sean Parker on Music Industry 2.0 & What’s Wrong With Facebook

    The first guest at the Web 2.0 Summit was young billionaire Sean Parker of Founders Fund. He also works for an Internet website called Facebook, as well as other quintessential Web 2.0 services.Host John Battelle spoke with Parker about Napster, Spotify and the future of the music industry, what's wrong...

  • Entertainment
    First Look: iPad’s Native Music App Gets a Redesign

    Among the many features rolled out to iOS device owners today is one that's pretty easy to lose sight of alongside things like iCloud, iMessage, Newsstand and many of the other 200 or so odd features Apple launched today. The iPad's native Music app (essentially, a stripped down version of...

  • Social
    Report: Facebook Users “Like” 31% More Over The Last Year

    Clicking the "Like" button is incredibly easy to do, and increasingly becoming the primary way people interact on Facebook. Users are engaging with Facebook pages 31% more over the last year. Of this boost in engagement, 84% turned out to be from the "Like" button, while 15% were from comments...

  • Social
    Facebook Acquires a Startup That Knows You Like a Friend(.ly)

    Two-year-old social network enhancing service has been acquired by Facebook, announced the blog earlier is a place where people can get to know each other based on random questions you might have in common. Answer a question posed by the service, and you'll be able to see...

  • Mobile
    New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for September 2011

    In our continuing tradition of rounding up new mobile application releases we found interesting and/or exciting over the past month, we present you with this new list of apps for September 2011. There are some great game, new browser releases and innovative uses of augmented reality this month. There is...

  • Mobile
    Why There Was Never Going to Be Facebook Integration In iOS 5

    There will be no deep Facebook integration with iOS 5 or the new iPhone 4S. The notion of Apple and Facebook teaming up for the release of the iPhone 4S has been secondary to most of the discussion surrounding the development of iOS 5. There are a variety of reasons...

  • Entertainment
    Remember Napster? They’re Getting Acquired by Rhapsody

    Three years after being bought by Best Buy, online music subcription service Napster has been acquired by rival company Rhapsody. The financial terms of the deal have not been disclosed. The acquisition will give Rhapsody Napster's paying subscribers as well as "certain other assets" including Napster's IP portfolio. The companies'...

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