Results for "spotify"

We found 708 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    Shazam’s New iPad App Is Designed For Watching TV With A Tablet, Too

    Shazam, an app best known for identifying songs playing around you, is making a big move into identifying all kinds of media playing around you.That promises to move Shazam from our pockets, where its smartphone apps mostly identify songs, to our living rooms—and hence to the tablets we typically keep...

  • Web
    Google I/O Keynote: 8 Best Moments In Photos

    Google bombarded thousands of attendees at its I/O 2013 Keynote with enough information to force that hi-res photo of Vic Gundotra's forehead into their dreams tonight. Here are the eight best moments:Google Variant Of The Samsung Galaxy S4One of the briefer announcements at I/O was the introduction of a variant of the...

  • Cloud
    With New Photos, Search, and Maps, Google’s Cloud Gets Smart

    A few years ago, Google's cloud services focused on simply storing and managing objects: email, documents, music, and movies. The 2013 version of Google is now using the cloud to connect and build relationships between them, responding to and anticipating the desires of its users.Google used its I/O keynote to...

  • Mobile
    Google I/O: What The Company Didn’t Announce

    Is there anything that Google didn't announce at the keynote of its Google I/O developers conference Wednesday morning? Google just unleashed a fury of new features for all of its properties today at the Google I/O keynote. We saw new developer features for Android, a variety of tools  and functions for...

  • Hack
    Google I/O 2013: Complete Coverage Of Google’s Next Big Things

    Welcome to ReadWrite's live coverage of the Google I/O keynote. Below you'll see not only a live stream of the event, but live blogging from our on-the-spot team including editor-in-chief Owen Thomas, mobile editor Dan Rowinski, contributing writer Mark Hachman and our fearless editorial assistant Nick Statt.Our stories so far:In...

  • Entertainment
    Google Ready To Announce Streaming Music Service?

    The Verge, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times are all reporting that Google will launch a streaming-music service at its Google I/O developers conference on Wednesday. While Google hasn't commented, according to the reports Google has already struck licensing deals with Universal Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment...

  • Entertainment
    How To Choose The Right Streaming Music Service — A Guide

    It's going to be an interesting year in online music. The all-you-can-stream music subscription space is set to heat up, with rumored Spotify competitors from Google and Amazon potentially in the offing and an already-huge European service called Deezer planning to launch in the U.S. In the meantime, there are already a...

  • Mobile
    Samsung Galaxy S4: Sometimes, More Is Less [Review]

    Your smartphone should not be a source of stress. With its new Galaxy S4, it seems Samsung may not have gotten the memo. It seems that every feature Samsung could possibly dream up ended up in the Galaxy S4. The company pushes the envelope with technologies and features that keep the...

  • Entertainment
    Twitter #Music Is Great For Artists; Less So For Fans [Hands On Review]

    Twitter put months of speculation to rest this morning when it launched its own music-focused service for iOS and the Web. Twitter #Music is a standalone app for discovering, following and listening to artists that draws its intelligence from Twitter's own user activity data. At first glance, it's a win...

  • Mobile
    Facebook Home Shows Endless Possibilities For Android Launchers [Poll]

    If you really love Facebook on your smartphone, today is a big day for you. Facebook Home – the social giant’s new skin for Android – launches today. Facebook also has a dedicated phone running home, the HTC First, which is now available at AT&T stores. Are you so addicted...

  • Social
    Twitter Is Teasing Its Musical Future

    Is Twitter moving on to bigger and better things? Maybe louder, more musical ventures? That's what it sounds like as the seven-year-old San Francisco micro blogging site confirmed Thursday that sometime last year it had acquired We Are Hunted, a music discovery service. Social music is a huge space,  with social...

  • Mobile
    Facebook Home Could Be a Pain, Unless You Really Love Facebook

    Facebook Home is something we've never seen before. It's far more than just an app and beyond just a skin, but something less than an operating system. It doesn't replace Google's Android. It's not a skin like Samsung's TouchWiz. But installing it will radically transform your Android phone — and...

  • Mobile
    Facebook Home: A Facebook Phone & A New Facebook Mobile Experience

    The journalists, analysts and camera crews queued up in a chilly rain at Facebook's Menlo Park, California, headquarters to get the first look at Facebook's new home on Android - the long-rumored Facebook Phone.The Hype Was HeavyWould it be new "skin" software designed to put Facebook front and center on...

  • Entertainment
    Justin Timberlake Proves Streaming Isn’t A Death Sentence For Music Sales

    Do music subscription services threaten music sales? Not if you ask Justin Timberlake.The rise of all-you-can-stream services like Spotify have made some artists nervous about the model's potential impact on music sales. It's why bands like Coldplay have delayed the arrival of new albums on Spotify and others, like the...

  • Entertainment
    Next Round In The Google-Amazon Deathmatch: Streaming Music

    For an industry that has such a hard time making money, digital music sure is hot right now. Everybody wants in. Amazon is now the latest tech giant rumored to be eyeing a slice of this increasingly tempting pie, according to a report on The Verge. But why? News that Amazon...

  • Entertainment
    Tie My Netflix Account to Facebook? No Thanks

    Netflix's long-delayed integration with Facebook is here. This week, the company will roll out the option to customers in the U.S., where the archaic Video Privacy Act was recently amended to permit this type of feature. The integration is not as annoying as it could be, but I'm going to sit...

  • Entertainment
    Music Companies Won’t Play Ball With Apple – Gee, I Wonder Why?

    Apple wants to roll out a streaming music service like Pandora, reports The New York Times, but can't get it done because the music companies are dragging their heels.Funny old world, isn't it? Apple used iTunes to basically take over the music business, setting prices and dictating terms. And Apple ran...

  • Social
    An Early Sneak Peek At Facebook’s New News Feed [Gallery]

    Facebook just announced the biggest change to its design since Timeline shook things up back in 2011 — and actually, it looks pretty awesome. The big, popping visuals that Timeline introduced certainly heralded the News Feed redesign that Facebook announced today at its Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters.Big Changes Rolling Out...

  • Social
    Facebook Updates News Feed With Dedicated Feeds, Bigger Photos

    Facebook rolled out an updated News Feed on Thursday, aiming to provide a "personalized newspaper" featuring updates both from friends and selected news sources.The new News Feed will be slowly rolled out to users over the next few weeks. (To get it early, click this link to join the waiting...

  • Mobile
    Amazon Releases Cloud Player Music App Optimized To The iPad

    Amazon’s Cloud Player is coming to the iPad and iPad Mini. The e-commerce giant announced this morning that it has released a tablet-optimized version of its music player to the Apple App Store. The app will be free and allow users to play or download music stored in their Cloud...

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