Results for "spotify"

We found 708 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    A Simple Guide to Transferring Your Stuff From Android to iPhone

    Part 1: 1-Click solution to Transfer All Data from Android to iPhone Suffer from the slow speed to transfer Android data to iPhone 6s (Plus) little by little? You don't have to. Here is a powerful Android to iPhone transfer tool - dr.fone - Switch, which helps you transfer videos,...

  • Cloud
    Box And Dropbox Are Going To War Over Corporate Data Security

    On Wednesday, Dropbox unveiled a new API (see our API explainer) intended to let large corporate clients tie third-party security tools into Dropbox 's cloud storage. Next week, its rival Box plans its own security announcement aimed at helping employees at big organization collaborate and manage their cloud-based information in...

  • Social
    Why The Hell Does Twitter Want To Know About Your Apps?

    Here in the U.S., there's two things we never seem to get enough of—stuff to buy and violated privacy. Twitter will contribute to the bottomless cornucopia of both via its new app graph, the company announced Wednesday. According to a post on the its support blog, Twitter will now keep...

  • Mobile
    Samsung’s Nonfat Streaming Alternative: Meet Milk Video

    Building on the Milk Music service it introduced in March, Samsung launches another streaming pipeline for its mobile devices, this time for video. Announced Wednesday, Milk Video puts a free YouTube alternative (with a limited video selection) exclusively on Galaxy smartphones. Consider it the visual counterpart to Milk Music's streaming radio. Samsung partnered...

  • Entertainment
    Lauren McCarthy Takes On Silicon Valley Optimism

    Editor's Note: This piece was originally published by our partners at Kill Screen. When iOS 8 was injected into Apple smartphones worldwide in September, one of the biggest stories that emerged about it was the predictive typing “feature.” If you’re still bumpin’ dat Blackberry or are a Windows Phone disciple: Quicktype...

  • Cloud
    Amazon’s Free Photo Storage Offer: Nice, But Late And Not Too Compelling

    Amazon's attempt to make itself into the poor man’s Google continues with its latest online offer: unlimited photo storage for Prime members.The company’s Prime service costs $99 per year, and offers a variety of "free" but circumscribed perks, including:Free two-day shipping on many (though not all) itemsFree video streaming (though only...

  • Entertainment
    Google Has A New Answer To Apple’s Beats Music

    Everything is better when it’s handcrafted—apparently even music. Google is unleashing digital DJs and playlists based on moods and circumstances on its Google Play Music app as part of its integration of Songza, which Google acquired earlier this year.See also: Get Ready For The Streaming-Music Die-OffOn Tuesday, the company announced that...

  • Mobile
    What’s Apple Going To Do With All Its Loose Ends?

    Thank goodness Apple didn't announce more devices. It would've ruined everything. To judge by its two most recent public events, Apple has three big priorities right now: Its supersized iPhones, the forthcoming Apple Watch and Apple Pay, its new mobile payments system that just launched. If nothing else, that became utterly...

  • Web
    Heads Up! This Startup Thinks It Can Solve The Distracted Driving Problem

    ReadWriteDrive is an ongoing series covering the future of transportation.Existing laws are supposed to prevent motorists from using smartphone apps while driving. But they aren't working. The number of drivers injured or killed by distraction continues to rise.I don’t harbor hope that automakers—notoriously bad at digital driver interfaces—will find the...

  • Mobile
    Sprint’s Cheap Facebook-Only Cell Plan Will Cost Us Plenty

    Some people think all Internet traffic should be treated equally. Others have no problem propping up certain services. To no one's real surprise, cellular carriers are increasingly in the latter camp. On Wednesday, Sprint’s prepaid Virgin Mobile division announced a dirt cheap prepaid plan that lets customers pay a paltry $5 for uncapped...

  • Entertainment
    Google Wants Chromecast’s Allure To Rub Off On Its Music Service

    Chromecast is one of Google's most successful consumer products ever. So it's only natural that the company would like to hitch another wagon to that star—and right now, that wagon is its streaming-music service, formally known by the awful name Google Play Music All Access.See also: How To Stream Music...

  • Entertainment
    Aereo Loses At The Supreme Court In Landmark Tech Copyright Case

    In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court issued a 6-3 ruling against Aereo, a video startup founded in 2012 that streams both live and delayed television broadcasts to paying subscribers. See also: To Truly Stop Aereo, TV Broadcasters Need To InnovateIn 2013, ABC and a coalition of other broadcast companies filed...

  • Entertainment
    All Roads Lead To Prime: Amazon Introduces Music Streaming Service

    Amazon is officially in the music streaming business. Amazon today introduced Prime Music, a music streaming service available to Amazon Prime members. The new service will start with about 1 million songs and 90,000 albums, comprised of mostly older titles and hits from yesteryear. As part of Prime Music, Amazon is...

  • Work
    What Is Docker, And Why Does It Matter?

    In the always connected, cloud-centric world, developers are writing new kinds of apps that need to be always online and that have the potential to scale to support millions of users. Even if customers are using these apps on a smart phone, they are still part of the fabric of...

  • Mobile
    Android vs. The iPhone: It’s All About The Cloud

    The Platform is a regular column by mobile editor Dan Rowinski. Ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence and pervasive networks are changing the way humans interact with everything.I finally traded in my old iPad 2 for a brand new iPad Air. I didn’t really want to, but part of my professional obligation is...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Surface Pro 3: A Great Tablet, But A So-So Laptop [Review]

    Is the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 really the tablet that can replace your PC? That's the fundamental proposition on which Microsoft is pinning its entire Surface tablet line. Unfortunately, it's a dicey one.Forget trying to compare the Surface Pro 3 to other tablets. It's not made like other slates, and...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Dream Of Sharing Every Little Moment Of Your Life Is Effectively Dead

    If you’ve ever been annoyed with Facebook posts that say, “Your friend just pinned to a board on Pinterest,” or “Selena is listening to Britney Spears on Spotify,” here’s some good news: You’ll be seeing fewer posts like that in the future. Facebook has given up its dream of having everything...

  • Entertainment
    Apple Bought Beats Because “Music Is Dying”

    Apple executives made their first public appearance after announcing the company's $3 billion acquisition of Beats Electronics, the audio accessories maker, and Beats Music, a streaming-music service, Wednesday evening at the Code Conference in Los Angeles.Eddy Cue, who spearheaded Apple's iTunes Store, and Beats cofounder Jimmy Iovine, said they struck...

  • Social
    Twitter Might Make Some Noise With A SoundCloud Bid [Updated]

    Twitter is apparently again trying to engage our eardrums with a deal to buy audio sharing company SoundCloud, Recode reports. The deal would push forward Twitter’s music strategy, one that's largely stagnated since the failure of Twitter #Music. SoundCloud, considered “YouTube for audio,” has 250 million monthly active listeners, a number...

  • Entertainment
    Selling To Apple Would Make Beats The Most Successful Streaming Music App Ever

    With a subscriber base that might as well be zero, Dr. Dre’s streaming music app may have just run up, eaten everyone’s lunch and flipped the table over for good measure.For years, digital music services like Spotify, Pandora, Rdio, Rhapsody have fought an uphill battle to lure subscribers into their...

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