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  • tech trends
    6 Tech Trends that Will Dominate the New Decade

    Peak venture capital funding for tech startups may be slowing down, but that doesn’t mean the end is nigh. Technological innovation will continue to drive the global economy into the next decade. While big data moved to the forefront of tech in the past ten years, the goal of the...

  • strategy stop cybercrimes
    3 Amazing Strategies that Will Burst Cybercrimes in 2020

    Across the globe and on a daily basis, people are inundated with cyberattacks. From Spain to the U.S. and almost everywhere in the world, nobody is spared; businesses, governments, and individuals are singled out by cybercriminals. Here are three amazing strategies that will burst cyber-crimes in 2020. How often do...

  • mobile payments
    The Rise and Rise of Mobile Payment Technology

    Digitalization is a trend that has embraced our generation to the fullest and steadily. Digitalization among mobile users is piercing through all the sectors. If we talk about how financial transactions have impacted by digitization, it’s immense. Here is the rise and rise of mobile payment technology. The augmentation of...

  • bitcoin
    Why is Bitcoin Soaring?

    Bitcoin is soaring. For a crypto coin that saw many extremes—climbing to a value of $30000 for a bitcoin to seeing lifetime lows of $3000, less than 6 months later, it’s a multi-headed saga that never pauses to surprise. Its revival and continued growth are extraordinary. Let’s trace the reason behind...

  • Branding
    Simple Branding Is Key for Complex Tech, Says Renegade’s Drew Neisser

    Apple’s brand may be simple, cool, and cohesive, but it wasn’t always that way. In 1976, Apple’s first ad for the Apple 1 played up features like “16-Pin 4K RAM chips” and “a fast (1 kilobaud) cassette interface.” Imagine trying to sell a Mac that way today. Some of Apple’s...

  • MNCs big data analytics
    How are the Top MNCs Using Big Data Analytics to their Advantage?

    Big Data analytics have helped the organization to double its revenue in no time. An intelligent analysis of data is what you need if you wish to succeed in the coming years. Success is why almost all the top MNCs have adopted and started implementing big data practices for their...

  • productivity at work
    Productivity at Work — it is Possible

    What is the one thing that connects millions of workers around the world? It is the desire to have more productivity at work, work fewer hours, and stay on top of all projects. But is this wish truly attainable? Productivity at work -- it is possible. Basically - “Life is...

  • Featured
    [Update] Samsung S10 Fingerprint Scanner Lets ANYONE Unlock Your Phone!

    As you may know, Samsung have claimed their new phone to be revolutionary. With amazing camera and "revolutionary" fingerprint system. But there is one major flaw. What's this? The Samsung S10 fingerprint scanner lets anyone unlock the phone with their fingerprint. Obviously, this is a serious security issue. Samsung have...

  • Chicago high business growth
    Chicago’s Growth and Leadership Brings It to the Forefront of Tech

    Chicago has always been known as my kind of town, and that kind of inclusive thinking is precisely why it has taken on a new persona in recent years. A trip down the Chicago river highlights the city’s rich history. Colorful, familiar names like Wrigley, Sears, and Oprah remind us...

  • Work
    4 Office Improvements to Optimize Your Team’s Productivity

    The more productive your team is, the more money you make. The trouble is that few productivity investments justify their cost. Sure, you could get everyone new computers, buy state-of-the-art project management software, or even swap out poor performers on your team. All of those things might soup up your...

  • Entrepreneurs can leverage 5G
    Connected Devices
    5G is Coming — Here’s How Entrepreneurs Can Leverage It

    Sprint's recent launch of its 5G network in Kansas City, Missouri; Dallas; Houston; and Atlanta offers consumers and entrepreneurs a glimpse into the future. As rapid download speeds and seamless connectivity take hold in cities around the world, tech entrepreneurs will have more opportunities than ever before to make an impact. With 11.5 million people having access...

  • digital twinning; virtual commissioning
    Manufacturers Aspire to Digital Twinning and Virtual Commissioning

    The increased digitization and tendency to automate complex manufacturing processes have dredged up technologies that date back to the 70s. Digital Twin is one of those disruptive technologies that went through multiple advancements and made colossal headway to be recently named as a strategic technology by Gartner. Manufacturers aspire to...

  • Product Reviews
    Wasserstein Smart Wi-Fi Plug: A Plug and Play Solution

    We all seem to have more devices than ever, which means we now need an effective way to manage them. That's exactly what the  Wasserstein Smart Wi-Fi Plug intends to give you. A group of Amazon resellers founded the smart home company behind the plug. Wasserstein also makes other quality connected products...

  • Does the experience you offer customers keep them engaged?
    Customer Service
    3 Ways to Make Customer Experience Your Differentiator

    At one time, poor customer experiences were commonplace. Major corporations had nothing to fear from a few disgruntled customers. Those days, however, are over. The emergence of social media platforms giving customers a powerful voice — and the rise of e-commerce giants putting customer service above all else — created...

  • healthcare data security threats
    Connected Devices
    The 3 Biggest Threats Healthcare Data Security is Facing Right Now

    The year 2017 suffered the greatest ransomware attack in the history of the internet. The WannaCry ransomware detected in hospitals of the UK. It then exploded across the globe and affected more than 200,000 computers across 150 countries. This attack targeted the computers running with the Microsoft Windows operating system by...

  • Better UI and UX Experiences
    Better UI and UX Experiences

    It is said that a successful product is a reflection of who we are. Usually, our unique perspective is what leads to the initial discovery. As the product acquires feedback, our keen desire to respond is what drives further innovation. We can have better UI and UX experiences using web...

  • Hackers are ready to exploit zero-day flaws
    Hackers are Ready to Exploit Zero-Day Flaws; Companies are Slow to Act

    Zero-day vulnerabilities can seriously threaten all affected systems since there are no available fixes at the time of discovery (DepositPhotos) Cybersecurity threats are rampant, and attackers are showing no signs of letting up. According to the 2018, Cyber Security Breaches Survey released last April, over forty percent of UK businesses...

  • Branding
    The Hidden Growth Area that Successful Companies Are Investing In

    What would you guess is the world’s most in-demand field? Healthcare? Data science? Accounting? Believe it or not, it’s customer success. According to LinkedIn data, the ratio of jobs to current workers is 32.5 percent for customer success managers. For perspective, that ratio is 31 percent for data scientists and...

  • You can find support as an entrepreneur in your corporate job
    Yes, Entrepreneurs Can Thrive in Corporate Environments

    These entrepreneurs are the ones that work in corporations while working on their innovation. These are they who toiled furiously day and night in their garage, or took out a second mortgage on their home. We’ve all heard the romantic anecdotes of entrepreneurs. How often does this really happen? Is...

  • AI
    The State of Responsible IoT in 2018

    What’s the State of Responsible IoT in 2018? After years of concerning news about connected devices that were hacked, bricked, or used to spy on users, a collection of essays by the experts in the ThingsCon network explores where we stand in terms of creating IoT devices that are responsibly...

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