Results for "AI fund uK"

We found 825 results for your search.
  • help for disabilities
    8 Exciting Ways Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Help People With Disabilities

    When people think of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), they usually focus on gaming equipment like the Oculus Rift or enhanced reality games like Pokemon Go. But VR and AR technology does so much more. This advanced tech is already changing healthcare, real estate sales, vacation planning, and...

  • working from home
    10 New Technologies Set to Revolutionize Working from Home

    The trend towards remote working has been evident now for at least a decade. And with Covid accelerating that trend, more than 40% of Americans now work from home full time. In a world used to social interaction, this sudden switch has led to many issues. Not least, higher levels...

  • startups 2021
    7 Trendy Startups to Watch in 2021

    By now, it's simple and clear: disruption never stops. New startups arise every year to tackle challenges ranging from tech to travel. Existing businesses can either push themselves to innovate and explore new solutions or step aside as an upstart comes to take the crown. Last year, businesses like Calm,...

  • reduce software dev costs
    Six Tips for Startups to Reduce Their Software Product Development Costs

    Starting a business is fun, although it can be tempting to go for broke because you are confident that your product will be a huge success. However, according to CBInsights, of the top 20 reasons why startups fail, cash shortages come second on the list (29%), right after the lack...

  • walnut secures seed round
    Walnut Secures $2.5M in Seed Round Led by NFX to Enable Remote Sales

    Product demonstrations are a staple of the sales world. But when everyone is working in separate spots, putting one on isn’t as easy as it used to be. Many salespeople have embraced Zoom. But screen-sharing doesn’t solve the first half of the equation: the demo itself. A PowerPoint presentation looks...

  • OmegaCharger
    Product Reviews
    Omega Charger: Smallest 200W & 100W GaN USB-C Charger

    Sydney-based Chargeasap is the first to market with its launch of Omega, considered to be the world's smallest 100W & 200W GaN USB-C Charger through a Kickstarter crowdfunding program. About Chargeasap Chargeasap is a consumer electronics start-up company that is based in Australia.  The company is behind numerous accessories for...

  • AR/VR surgery proficiency
    Improving Surgical Performance and Physician Proficiency With AR/VR Simulations

    Here is ReadWrite Q&A with FundamentalVR.  *Many thanks to Richard Vincent, CEO, and co-founder of FundamentalVR, for his time, responses and answers in this interview.   Can you give an overview of the Fundamental Surgery platform and the problem it solves? Multiple studies have shown surgical simulations can improve physicians'...

  • RPA
    The RPA Noise: The Long and Short of It

    The topic of robots and automation was initially met with hysteria not so long ago. We had reports of robots stealing human jobs and other misinformation that was making the rounds. Cut to the present day, some of the fear remains -- but the technology is here -- in different...

  • globally distributed model
    How Today’s Startups Can Adapt to a Globally Distributed Model

    The world of work is transforming. Although it’s tempting to blame it all on the coronavirus situation and its formidable ripples, the pandemic only accelerated the processes of globalization and digitization that have been underway for decades. Among its many implications, the digital office means that jobs don’t necessarily need...

  • Blockchain
    How to Make Your Own Cryptocurrency

    Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and a handful of other cryptocurrencies have broken into the mainstream, but what if you want to start a cryptocurrency of your own? There are many valid motivations for doing so. For example, you may not like how the mainstream coins operate; you may want to found...

  • iot national security issue
    When Will IoT Become a National Security Issue?

    We are halfway through 2020, and for all the decades-long discussions around IoT, very few countries have addressed the national security issues raised by vulnerable IoTs. It wasn't until 4 years ago that the subject even entered the public spotlight, when the United States Department of Homeland Security issued a...

  • tech improve small business
    How Technology is Helping to Improve Small Business Growth

    Industries have seen many evolution in terms of growth and productivity. Technological advances have made their way easy towards achieving success with short-term as well as long-term objectives. Here is how technology is helping to improve small business growth. Innovation is turning into the main consideration in each new company....

  • crises opportunity
    Crisis versus Opportunity: 6 Ways to Bootstrap a Startup in a Post-COVID-19 World While Navigating the New Normal

    Are you considering starting up your own business? The reality is that the world as we know it has changed. And, no one really knows what the future holds. Consequently, it is understandable that people, especially those who have either had to take a pay cut or have been furloughed....

  • privacy time of coronavirus
    How to Ensure Data Privacy in the Time of Coronavirus

    The Coronavirus pandemic has brought about disruptive technology solutions to slow the spread of the virus and minimize its impact. Contact tracing utilizing mobile technology is one promising but controversial solution that has been tested in some countries and proposed in the United States. The Washington Post reports that millions...

  • business management apps
    Best 10 Business Management Apps

    Technology is GREAT -- and it has changed the game. Tech has given us new ways to manage the businesses that are fine as they are -- maybe -- but it's important to adapt. Now, managing the business workloads becomes efficient and less time-consuming. Here are ten of the best...

  • journey map for customers
    Customer Service
    How Do You Create an Effective Journey Map for Your Customers?

    Customers have a lot in mind when they land on a website to purchase a product or service. Some expect to find the product they have in mind instantly, while others conduct thorough research before they purchase a product. Well, that’s not all. Some end up being fickle-minded and land...

  • rise scams coronavirus
    Rise of Scams After Coronavirus Outbreak 

    Due to the surge of Coronavirus victims worldwide, scammers and hackers are availing this golden opportunity to scam people. The hackers (including a cough) and scammers are always ready to pounce. Her is the rise of scams after the coronavirus outbreak. Find and follow the correct and real sources of...

  • top growth marketing speakers
    Top 15 Growth Marketing Speakers

    There are many amazing marketing speakers that can help shed light on the intricacies of marketing. However, only a select few understand what growth marketing entails. Growth marketing is a specialized segment of digital marketing, and it focuses specifically on online customer acquisition. To learn how to incorporate this marketing...

  • ipo lessons
    3 IPOs and the Lessons They Hold for Today’s Startups

    For most startups, it's no secret that a significant part of their long-term plans is to go public and become the next market darling for investors. The problem most startups have -- aside from reaching the critical mass necessary to support an initial public offering (IPO) -- is deciding exactly...

  • startups
    Why a Tech Startup is Like a Nuclear Power Plant

    My first job out of college was preventing a nuclear power station from melting down. It was summer 1986, the fall-out from Chernobyl was blowing over Europe and, after graduating in engineering science, I undertook a software development project for the UK Atomic Energy Authority. Here is why a tech...

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