StatusNet released today a cross-platform desktop client for its open-source microblogging platform – the same foundation that powers the Twitter alternative Windows, Mac, and Linux users can download it here. It features support for multiple StatusNet sites (including, notifications, search and more.
StatusNet Desktop was built with Appcelerator Titanium framework and licensed under the Apache 2. The client’s quite good, especially for a first release, but it’s no TweetDeck yet (and of course, unlike TweetDeck, it connects to StatusNet sites Update: correction: TweetDeck supports StatusNet).
The Montreal based company launched an enterprise support service and a public beta for its hosted service in March. Initial enterprise customers included Motorola Corporation and Canonical Ltd. We concluded though the hosted service isn’t ready to replace Yammer, the enterprise offering is a strong contender. ReadWriteWeb is considering StatusNet for own status update/microblogging needs.
Socialcast, Socialtext Signals, Obayoo and blogtronixMicro are other competitors in the enterprise microblogging market.