In advance of its live event with President Obama today (starting now! 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific), LinkedIn has produced this infographic about the swath of the U.S. economy represented by its members. Since 2009, over 7.4 million job changes have been reported on LinkedIn.

The top industries on LinkedIn are higher education, marketing and advertising, information technology and health care. Of its 115 million members, almost 5 million are employed by small businesses. The biggest growth industries are renewables and environment, and oil and energy. The infographic also focuses on LinkedIn’s use by veterans, as well as the number of users who have attended community college.
It’s an interesting slice of the economy, and it shows that the population of professionals using the Web to network is growing more diverse. As you watch the event, think about what these data say about the role the Web can play in rebuilding the economy:
Do you use LinkedIn for networking? Share your experiences in the comments.