An Evans Data survey of 1,200 developers, 400 of which are enterprise developers, found that 56% of enterprise developers already use schemaless databases and 63% plan to use one in the next two years. Adoption is particularly strong in the APAC countries.

Among the general developer community, only 43% of respondents plan to use NoSQL in the next two years.
A few other findings from the survey, according to the announcement:
- Although Mac OS is now more popular than Linux as a development desktop environment, Windows continues to dominate with over 80% using some version of Windows as their primary platform.
- Almost 40% of North American developers are now working on apps for a wireless device.
- Eighty percent of North American developers expect to be writing multi-threaded apps in the next two years.
More NoSQL tools and services targeting enterprises have been announced in the past few months, including EMC’s Hadoop appliance, Yahoo’s Hadoop-based spin-off and LexisNexis’ HPCC.
Disclosure: VMware, which is owned by EMC, is a ReadWriteWeb sponsor.