Home New Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ now on-sale, more power and faster networking

New Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ now on-sale, more power and faster networking

Today, we see the release of the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. This is obviously an update to the companies current Raspberry Pi 3 Single Board Computer (SBC). The relevant updates are small, but at the same time can have some considerable impact on performance.
In its time, the Raspberry Pi has sold over 14 million SBC devices, which shows its popularity, backed by the fact it an Arduino compatible board that is relatively cheap, stable and ready for the maker community.
The key selling points of the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ over its predecessor are improved processor and networking capabilities. We now have a 1.4GHz quad-core Broadcom BCM2837B0 processor, a step up on the 1.2GHz BCM2837 chip in the Pi 3, which also boasts improved power integrity and thermal design.
On the networking side of life, the new Model B+ is capable of dual-band 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless connectivity and also gigabit ethernet over USB 2.0. This gives you a throughput of 300Mbps, which is 3 times faster than the previous model. What else could one want? Well, we also have Bluetooth 4.2 and Bluetooth Low Energy that makes it easier to implement as an Internet of Things (IoT) device or integrate into your new Smart home. Another feature that not many SBC have is support for Power over Ethernet (PoE), which the Raspberry Pi Foundation will launch its own dedicated PoE HAT for.


The dimensions of the Model B+ are the same as the previous model, so you will be able to use the same housings that you have purchased or fit into the same custom locations. Price wise you’re looking at the usual cost $35/£30 at the usual outlets.

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