NetApp, the venerable storage networking company, announced a new version of its OnCommand management tool last month. The version includes service analytics, optimization and capacity planning tools, monitors for both VMs and virtual storage pools, orchestration and automated provisioning duties all rolled into one.

The new version bulks up the features and consolidates and integrates products that the company has previously acquired from Akorri and SanScreen.
New today are enhancements to its FlexPod solutions to expand it beyond VMware/Microsoft servers to also include support for SAP applications and Citrix XenDesktop. FlexPod has pre-sized infrastructure bundles that can be easily and quickly deployed to various public and private cloud providers.
One of its customers, travel insurance provider Seven Corners, used OnCommand to help cut the development costs for a project they deployed this summer.
“In our test-driven software development environment that makes use of agile software development, we expect we’ll save more than $200,000 in development costs and take more than three months off delivery time. We estimate that, taken together with improved performance, faster provisioning, and cloning capabilities, these benefits will help us shrink some development cycles from up to six months to just six days or less,” said Seven Corner’s technical services manager Mike Ellis.
NetApp doesn’t sell OnCommand directly, you have to purchase through one of their channel partners such as Avnet. Pricing was not announced.