Home Moza opens pre-orders for revolutionary flight sim gear

Moza opens pre-orders for revolutionary flight sim gear

Racing game peripheral experts Moza Racing last weekend made an announcement that got flight simmers hot under the summer collar when it unveiled a range of flight sim gear and a move into that space.

With DCS World being so popular and a new IL-2 Korea on the cards there has never been a better time for a company to jump on board as flight sims seem to finding a true renaissance at the moment.

In the 1990s there were hardcore sims everywhere, but there has been a dearth until the last few years, but now it seems players, with the aid of good, well-priced hardware are jumping into virtual cockpits everywhere.

With that in mind, only a few days since the announcement, Moza opened up pre-orders today for the MH16 Flightstick, a Z-Axis module, and the highly-anticipated force-feedback base, the AB9.

At this stage, we have prices for the Flightstick and the Z-Axis but price info for the base was not included in the press release shared with us, so we will update this as soon as we know it.

You can pre-order this initial batch of Moza Flight gear now with shipping expected to start from 31st July.

No word yet on the release of the throttle system and pedals, but as soon as we hear from our friends at Moza we will let you know.

Moza AB9 key features

Force Feedback Algorithm: Ensures precise and realistic force feedback, giving pilots an authentic feel of the aircraft controls.
9N·m Dual Servo Motors: High-torque motors provide powerful and responsive feedback, enhancing realism.
MOZA Cockpit Control Software: Allows comprehensive customization and fine-tuning of flight settings for a personalized experience.
Aviation-Grade Aluminum Alloy Construction: Built from high-quality materials for durability and a professional appearance.
High-Resolution Encoder: Guarantees smooth and precise control inputs, essential for accurate flight simulation.

MH16 Flightstick key features

The all-metal joystick replicates the original aircraft’s design with aviation-grade aluminum alloy and automotive-grade paint, ensuring durability and excellent mechanical performance.
Inspired by legendary fighter aircraft control sticks, it features a slightly forward-leaning ergonomic design for an authentic pilot experience.
Detachable Modular Components: The joystick includes easy-to-install, removable modules with pogo pin connections, offering additional switches without messy wiring.
27 Input Signals: Customizable functions can be assigned through MOZA Cockpit Control Software for personalized configurations.
8-way Switch: Equipped with ALPS eight-way thumbstick caps for reliable hat switch functionality.
Easy Fit, Plug-and-Play: Compatible with most bases, it offers instant plug-and-play convenience.

Pricing info: $169.00/ € 189.00/ £169.00/ AUD 299.00/ JPY 28,900.00

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Paul McNally
Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media. Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020. Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine,…

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