MindTouch — the open source, wiki-based intranet — is the first software to bring fully collaborative video to the enterprise. The new feature comes from open source video platform Kaltura, which is also developing video editing for Wikipedia. Through Kaltura, MindTouch customers will be able to cooperatively edit, publish and syndicate video both inside and outside the firewall, all with a complete revision history.

In addition to collaborative video editing, users can now package their applications and content for reuse on other installations. Developers will be able create open source add-ons that operate just like those in Firefox, and anyone can use a desktop GUI to select content for staging and migration.
Video, the Wiki Way
Kaltura is the first company on the market to offer an open source collaborative video. While there are Drupal and MediaWiki modules available in the
, we’ve seen little if any use of them. The flagship use of the MediaWiki version in Wikipedia is at least months away.
Regardless of any public implementations, MindTouch will be the first enterprise platform to host Kaltura’s technology. Most top-notch wikis and intranets already have easy video embedding, but none of them include any substantial ability to edit video, and not in way that’s transparent and collaborative.
Even at its best, enterprise 2.0 is often thought of as second-hand innovation: adapting the best of Web 2.0 to work inside the firewall. But this is one case where an enterprise company has moved faster than the consumer Web to make change a reality.
Power to the Programmers
As an open source platform, MindTouch has long-supported creating custom applications for the software. But until now, there’s been no easy way to port those custom apps from one MindTouch instance to another.
“With this release,” said CEO Aaron Fulkerson, “the thousands of developers building collaborative networking applications, enterprise dashboards and composite applications on the MindTouch platform will now be able to easily package and share their applications and mashups.”