Never underestimate the power of having a good story – whether it’s to pitch potential investors or customers or whether it’s to share with other entrepreneurs. The importance of storytelling for entrepreneurs is the foundation for FounderLY, a project that I profiled back in April when it launched its platform.
FounderLY collects video interviews with entrepreneurs as part of a media project to document their stories. These interviews cover a wide range of topics and have been conducted with an amazing range of entrepreneurs at various stages of experience and success.
And now Women 2.0 has announced that it will be partnering with FounderLY in order to capture more videos with female founders.
The partnership was inspired in part by one of the early videos available on the FounderLY site, an interview with Michelle Zatlyn from CloudFlare. (We’ve embedded that interview below. As is the case with all the videos on FounderLY, it’s definitely worth watching.)
More videos about female founders will hopefully be another step to help “change the ratio” of tech entrepreneurship and help women recognize that there are, in fact, many female entrepreneurs out there. Making these stories heard is important – and not just stories that mark these founders’ gender but ones that demonstrate that many founders share similar experiences, regardless of gender.
The videos will be available on the In Conversation channel on the Women 2.0 website as well as on FounderLY’s site.
Women 2.0 says it’s looking for thoughts on other entrepreneurs you’d like to see included.