On-premise applications like Sharepoint are becoming a target for cloud-based services. Up to now, customers could either start with Sharepoint, or an online alternative like Google Sites.
But now we are seeing the emergence of services that help you migrate Sharepoint to Google Apps. LTech announced today that it is offering LTech CloudMove, a tool that automates moving documents to the cloud.
Still, companies aren’t always moving all of their assets to the cloud. Many are taking a hybrid approach, something both IBM and Microsoft see happening with clients.
LTech’s CTO Ed Laczynski said the migration is part of a process that small businesses are undergoing. They start with migrating email, followed by a more complete shift to the cloud:
“We are seeing a larger number of SMBs making the move to the cloud. The
catalyst being the cost benefits provided. Email and collaboration is the
initial first step but is often proceeded by the exploration of moving
applications and infrastructure.”
LTech CloudMove automatically connects Sharepoint to Google Apps, allowing for large migrations.
Users start by providing their credentials for Google Apps.
Then they choose what to upload.
This is followed by choosing a repository for the documents.
The service requires the Google Apps Premier or Education edition, and costs $10 per user per year. Here is a list of the other requirements: