Today LinkedIn launched a revamped version of CardMunch, an iPhone app that digitizes paper business cards with a single scan. The update gives users greater insight into the person behind the card via their LinkedIn profile, images of them and their contacts, where they’ve worked and where they went to school, along with the contact info on the business card itself. The previous version of this app only showed the information already found on the business card.

This new iteration does have features of the previous version, including the ability to add contacts to an iPhone address book, connect with contacts on LinkedIn, view a mobile rolodex of cards and add notes while on the fly.

Cardmunch might sound like a digital recognition program, but it’s not. Instead, LinkedIn uses the Amazon/mechanical Turk platform to source human transcribers.
LinkedIn acquired the CardMunch app in January, offering it as a free option to LinkedIn users.
Has the CardMunch app helped you organize your business cards? Tell us about it in the comments.