Home Is This New Cross-Chain Crypto the Next 10x Base Meme Coin? TodayTrader Presale Review

Is This New Cross-Chain Crypto the Next 10x Base Meme Coin? TodayTrader Presale Review

Another dog-themed meme coin presale is currently dominating market attention, nearing $1 million in funding and emerging as the fastest-growing crypto presale today.

One week after its launch, the Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) presale has attracted retail investors and crypto whales and is featured in popular crypto publications.

Can this cross-chain meme coin keep its strong momentum until it goes live on DEXs?

Base Dawgz multi-chain approach, staking, and Share-to-Earn airdrop

Base Dawgz primarily uses Base as its platform but employs cross-chain technology to operate on multiple chains. $DAWGZ can transition between Base, Solana, Ethereum, BSC, and Avalanche. The presale is currently active on all chains, and payments are accepted in ETH, SOL, BNB, AVAX, and USDT.

This interoperability strategy broadens Base Dawgz’s community reach while reducing reliance on a single blockchain. Simply put, Base Dawgz could become one of the most diverse meme coins around. But that’s not the only reason for the excitement.

The team has introduced a staking system, rewarding users who lock up their tokens. This move not only enhances token utility but also decreases selling pressure, thus improving the project’s supply and demand balance significantly.

The “Share-to-Earn” airdrop by Base Dawgz is gaining attention. People in the community can get some of the money from the presale by sharing a referral code on social media. To join, visit the Base Dawgz website, click the “refer and earn” button, and link your wallet to generate a code.

Successful referrals receive 5% of the sale in $DAWGZ tokens, paid out at the presale’s end. This benefits $DAWGZ holders by providing both monetary rewards and contributing to community growth, potentially increasing token value post-exchange launch. With these features, Base Dawgz is poised for meme coin success.

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) presale nears $1 million in funding

Base Dawgz’s presale is gaining rapid traction among investors. Within just seven days, they’ve poured over $900,000 into the multi-chain coin’s crowdfunding event, edging closer to the $1 million mark. This popularity is no surprise.

Base Dawgz Presale Nearly Raises $1 Million

The team behind Base Dawgz has structured the presale like a game, with different stages where the price of $DAWGZ increases periodically. Currently, the second stage has begun, offering early investors a chance to get in at the starting point with a price of 0.00502.

Investors can use ETH, BNB, AVAX, or SOL, ensuring accessibility. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Base Dawgz tokens here.

This approach aligns with the team’s goal of maximizing decentralization and accessibility for their meme coin. According to their website, 20% of the total token supply is reserved for the presale, with another 20% for staking, 20% for liquidity, 15% for marketing, 15% for $DAWGZ rewards, and 10% for exchange listings.

These tokenomics emphasize the team’s commitment to community involvement, with a significant portion of tokens allocated directly to the community or initiatives aimed at its growth. With this in mind, the Base Dawgz presale presents an early opportunity to invest in the potential next big crypto.

For the latest updates, follow Base Dawgz on X account or join its Telegram channel.

Base Dawgz legitimacy fueled by smart contract audit and media attention

SolidProof’s audit of Base Dawgz’s smart contract is a positive aspect. The audit report confirms that there are no major issues that could make the meme coin vulnerable to hackers or other malicious individuals.

Taking a closer look, the audit report highlights that the smart contract cannot be changed after its launch, as it is not upgradable. Additionally, the ownership of the contract has been relinquished. Furthermore, the report emphasizes that the contract doesn’t grant any special privileges to its owner.

This means the owner cannot create new tokens, block specific addresses, or lock the contract. Another advantage of Base Dawgz is the direct communication channels between investors and the developer team. This transparency suggests that Base Dawgz is a genuine project, not a scam.

In addition, Base Dawgz has received coverage in major crypto news outlets like Coinpedia, Crypto Daily, and Finbold, as well as in publications such as The Economic Times, Techopedia, and Watcher Guru. This exposure adds further credibility to the project.

To participate in the $DAWGZ token presale, visit basedawgz.com.


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Alvin Hemedez
Crypto Writer

Alvin Hemedez is a cryptocurrency analyst, finding a talent for the technical side of blockchain with his background and degree in Industrial Engineering. Hailing from Los Baños, Calabarzon in the Philippines, Alvin's work experience includes managing the eCommerce side of Shopee PH, Singapore and South East Asia's equivalent of Amazon with a base in the Philippines. Alvin's current news coverage on ReadWrite includes a special focus on emerging projects and new ICOs.

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