The iPad isn’t just a hot new consumer device, it’s also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.

This week we look at the new Workday iPad app, and more.

This week ERP in the cloud provider Workday released its official iPad app. Workday provides a slick, HR-focused ERP solution and it seems like a good fit for the iPad.
Skype officially launched the iPad app that we told you about in June, after some delay. Our coverage is here.
As we noted earlier this week, real-time business intelligence and data visualization vendor Tableau released an iPad optimized version of its hosted service this week. All views are now optimized for tablet-sized touch interfaces.
PaperPort Anywhere
This week Nuance released PaperPort Anywhere, a cloud storage and document management app for the iPad and other iOS devices. Nuance’s PaperPort is a 20 year old Windows desktop application for scanning – it’s become something of an industry standard. Anywhere lets users store any type of document in the cloud, and includes tools for searching the text of documents.