Home Introducing the HTML5 Playground

Introducing the HTML5 Playground

The HTML5* Playground is a tool to inspire developers to explore, learn, share and experiment with HTML5 applications and code. It’s built with simplicity in mind, and it’s social from the start. It’s being released as a beta Intel AppUp developer tool, and we will be rapidly adding features in the coming weeks. HTML5* Playground works in any HTML5* supported browser.

Experiment with HTML5* Application

The HTML5* Playground provides developers with a web based code editor, a live application preview window, and a library of sample code and snippets to use as starting points. Have fun modifying examples or build your own. Watch your changes happen live in the preview window.

It’s Social

The HTML5* Playground is social from the start. This means that anything that you create, can be shared using a permalink. We are also integrating with more than 100 popular social networks so that you can share your code with the world.

Explore the Snippet Library

The HTML5* Playground has a snippet library that contains many useful starting points. In the future, we will also add a community driven library where you can discover community examples and the wisdom of crowds.

Sell your HTML5* Applications in the Intel AppUp Center

When you are finished with your HTML5* application, you can download it and sell it in the Intel AppUp Center.

It’s in Beta …

The HTML5* Playground is currently in beta which means that we are busy added new features and fixing bugs. Some of the things we plan on enhancing in the near future include: additional examples and better snippet discoverability in the library, better social integration, support for mobile devices, and better offline application support. Send us your feedback and thoughts.
Source Intel AppUp Developer Program

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