No rest for the wicked in Nokia MeeGo Land. News in today the N900 Hardware adaption team are progressing the Nokia N900 MeeGo image with the aid of the MeeGo Tablet User Experience (UX). This does mean that the previously closed Intel MeeGo Tablet UX is now Open Source and the code can be found here. This is a testament to the power of MeeGo and the Nokia N900 where a handheld phone is able to run a Tablet UX OS. There are the usual teething problems but the guys at Nokia are hard at work and we wish them all the success with it.
The news was circulated via a mailist list:
Seems like we’re getting the push for tablet UX into Trunk:Testing at
the moment.
I have had the UX running already on it, some quirks still to be
solved – along with some investigation into performance. And if we can
use our meegotouch-home and the applications individually inside
Handset UX.
Thanks to Sage for the video and additional instructions as below:
I’m also uploading the image and the .ks file to under the n900 directory in near future. File names will be:
- tablet-armv7hl-n900-v01.README
- tablet-armv7hl-n900-v01.ks
- mg-tablet-armv7hl-n900-
NOTE: If you create an image yourself with the .ks file provided the ctrl does not work as a exit button as shown in the video, but you need to modify the meego-ux-daemon package and add following patch:
--- meego-ux-daemon-0.2.0-more-home-keys.patch (revision 0)
+++ meego-ux-daemon-0.2.0-more-home-keys.patch (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -ruN --exclude='*~' meego-ux-daemon-0.2.0.orig/application.cpp meego-ux-daemon-0.2.0/application.cpp
+--- meego-ux-daemon-0.2.0.orig/application.cpp 2011-03-25 22:48:35.078772707 +0200
++++ meego-ux-daemon-0.2.0/application.cpp 2011-03-25 22:49:12.695193354 +0200
+@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@
+ grabHomeKey("Super_L");
+ grabHomeKey("Super_R");
++ grabHomeKey("Control_L");
++ grabHomeKey("Control_R");
+ grabHomeKey("XF86AudioMedia"); // WeTab's corner key
+ menu = grabKey("Menu");
Thanks to vgrade for the heads up and goodluck working on it this weekend 😉 Don’t you just love true Open Source, not like you know what