Can you get to Manchester for the Eveninig on the 6th December ? If you can then read on and see you there 🙂
DevLatest will be hosting an informal evening of drink, food and discussion for the app developer community from 6.30pm at The Seven Oaks pub, 5 Nicholas Street. This free event is sponsored by Intel, and will focus on how to be a successful developerusing the latest techniques and tools across a variety of platform. To reserve your place or enquire about speaking on a topic, please email [email protected], or visit us at
This is a chance to chat about every aspect of apps – from ideas, to development, to marketing. The evening is sponsored by Intel. The event is informal, comfortable and designed to be engaging. The aim of the evening is discourse and discussion, to allow you to bounce ideas off one another and leave with a refreshed and updated approach to developing and selling apps.
So come along and enjoy one of Manchester’s finest and most traditional pub settings for an evening that promises to full of insight and opportunity, as well as the beer.
We look forward to seeing you there!