We know it’s holiday time…but innovators working on creations in the IoT space using Bluetooth technology need to submit their idea and/or prototype for consideration for the Imagine Blue Awards by December 13.
This awards program is run by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). Competitors will compete for cash prizes between $5,000 and $10,000, with a purpose of inspiring and drivng innovation using Bluetooth technology.
There are two categories participants can enter: Prototype and student.
For the prototype category
The Prototype category is for businesses and individuals that have a working prototype. Entries can’t be products that have already come to market, or will come to market prior to the end of the contest in March, 2017.
Finalists in this category will have their prototype showcased in the SIG’s booth at Bluetooth World. The conference takes place March 28-29, 2017 in Santa Clara, CA.
There, they will have the opportunity to present their prototype to a judging panel that will review their creation, selecting a winner at the end of the conference.
Winners receive $10,000 to help them bring their product to market and encourage continued innovation.
For the student category
This category is open to currently enrolled high school, college, or postgraduate students. A prototype is encouraged, but not required. Like the prototype category, participants will need to create a 1-2 minute video describing their creation. They’ll need to explain how it works, and showcase why it is better with Bluetooth.
Participants will also need to provide a headshot, photos or renderings of the product, and a letter of recommendation from their teacher or professor.
Student finalists will have a blog entry written about them on Bluetooth.com. The winning student receiving a cash award of $5,000.
All online entries must be completed by December 13, 2016. All prototype and physical entries must be in their hands by 16 December 2016.