While the blogosphere has been buzzing over how and when Twitter will finally roll out the full details of its anticipated ad platform, 140 Proof has put together an advertising platform for the microblog service of its own. Today, it announced that it will integrate targeted advertising for HootSuite on both Android and iPhone.

HootSuite is launching an Android version of its Twitter client today, along with a new version for the iPhone, both of which will have ads by 140 Proof.
While this certainly may not be the most exciting news around to Twitter users (has anyone ever said “Boy, this would be great, if only it had some advertising!”), companies looking to reach Twitter’s userbase have a way for targeting their ads.

From what we heard last week about Twitter’s expected ad platform, 140 Proof takes a similar approach. According to the company’s press release, “the ads behave just like tweets: each ad must have a real tweet associated with it so users can reply, and if desired, retweet the ad.”
A big difference here, however, is that the expected Twitter ad platform would only appear in searches. The 140 Proof ad platform, on the other hand, is highly targeted, focusing on a number of features, such as “keywords in tweets, followers, as well as device, location and platform”, according to TechCrunch. The ads will show up directly in the user’s tweet stream, but will be easily identifiable.