Home High-cap Meme Coins Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Saturated? Investors Are Jumping Ship to Oracle Meme

High-cap Meme Coins Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Saturated? Investors Are Jumping Ship to Oracle Meme

Oracle Meme ($OMEME) is a new meme coin with AI superpowers. 

Rather than confining itself to the speculative charm of meme coins, Oracle Meme is coming with a Meme AI Generator, Meme Coin Generator, Meme Layer-2 Network, Meme Wallet, and Meme Launchpad. With the token now launched as a presale, the FOMO around it is high, hinting at a pump that will happen once it gets listed on exchanges.The community interest is similar to that of Shiba Inu and Pepe in their early days.

Have Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Saturated?

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu rank the highest on the meme coin list. They boast massive market caps of $20B and $13B, respectively.

To the outside world, their size may come across as shocking. But in the crypto market, meme coins are one of the most popular niches. For those who know how to handle them, they can be incredibly rewarding. And for those who don’t, they can be trouble. 

Investors late to the Dogecoin and Shiba Inu party are now in a similar dilemma. While both DOGE and SHIB have recorded substantial growth early this year, they have been descending the charts for the last few weeks.  

Shiba Inu 1 Year Price Chart

Shiba Inu price action, source: CoinMarketCap

The broader picture is even more disappointing. 

Since Oct 28, 2021, Shiba Inu has recorded a 73.51% decline from its all-time high. For Dogecoin, the number is even worse, at 80.51%. 

The long-term picture reveals that these meme coins have saturated. Their large initial market caps stand in the way of their growth. New investors expecting similar explosive growth are bound to be disappointed. 

While it’s unrealistic to expect Dogecoin and Shiba Inu to give returns in 6-digit ROIs again, they will continue to give attractive returns for strategic traders. After all, they rank first and second on the meme coin chart for a reason.

But they are highly volatile, and thus prone to heavy losses for those who don’t have clear entry and exit points mapped out. 

Why Investors Are Jumping Ship to Oracle Meme

Investors are increasingly adding low-cap meme coins like Oracle Meme to their portfolios this month. With interesting new themes and narratives, these meme coins show large growth potential. 

For example, Oracle Meme ($OMEME) combines AI and meme coin elements.

Conventional meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu primarily rely on speculative trading. Oracle Meme, on the other hand, is building a solid foundation for its long-term demand and price action based on market-relevant utilities. 

Here’s a glimpse of the Oracle Meme ecosystem:

  • Meme AI Generator: Streamlined meme creation through AI-generated suggestions, customizable options, and easy sharing capabilities.
  • Meme Coin Generator: Effortlessly create personalized meme coins with no technical expertise.
  • Meme Layer-2 Network: A scalable, efficient network facilitating swift, cost-effective transactions across Oracle Meme and its partner platforms.
  • Meme Wallet: A fun, safe wallet dedicated to meme coins. 
  • Meme Launchpad: Frictionless launches for new meme coins. Early investment opportunities in the presale launches will be available for $OMEME token holders.

More products aligned with evolving market trends will be launched in the future. Democratizing Meme Coins For Creators, Investors, and Users

$OMEME tokenomics is meticulously designed for long-term price action and growth. 

In the presale phase, investors can stake their tokens and earn attractive rewards, laying the foundation for community involvement from the outset. 

10 billion tokens, representing 20% of the total supply, are allocated to staking rewards. It mitigates the risks associated with pump-and-dump schemes commonly seen in the meme coin market. 

Oracle Meme Tokenomics

40% out of the capped 50 billion tokens, is earmarked for the presale phase. Money raised in the presale will be used for project development, marketing initiatives, and liquidity.

After the TGE and exchange launch, $OMEME tokens will be used for a wide range of utilities, from staking to microtransactions, governance, and tipping. 

Through external integration, it may be used in gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi) as well. The vision is to diversify the utility of the token across diverse domains, thus strengthening its price action. 

To learn more about the utilities and integration, check out the Oracle Meme white paper

$OMEME Presale Launches on May 27, 2024

The presale presents the early investment gateway to $OMEME. 

The token has started being sold off at discounted prices in the presale, allowing investors to get an attractive entry point into the project. 

With the token now live, the $OMEME community is experiencing steady growth, mirroring the trajectories of successful meme coins like Shiba Inu and Pepe. 

How to Buy OMEME

The trend underscores the project’s speculative potential. The residual FOMO from the presale phase can potentially propel $OMEME up the price charts on its CEX and DEX launches. 

The AI integration of the project, in particular, is an excellent catalyst for price pumps. But $OMEME is expected to reward long-term investors with exponential returns due to its utility foundation. 

Visit the Oracle Meme Website

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James Spillane
Crypto Writer

James Spillane is a crypto trader and writer, producing analytical articles for ReadWrite on the latest market trends and price action of trending assets. Hailing from the UK, James is a BSc Physics graduate from Imperial College London and former Cadet Force Adult Volunteer with Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Army Cadet Force. When not writing and editing, James enjoys working out and travelling, currently working remotely in South East Asia. James' latest coverage focuses on the growing meme coin market, tracking assets like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu and newer contenders to their market share.

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