Home Classic gaming brand MicroProse will publish new toy soldier FPS Green Hawk Platoon

Classic gaming brand MicroProse will publish new toy soldier FPS Green Hawk Platoon

MicroProse has revealed that it is set to publish the new toy-based first-person shooter Green Hawk Platoon. The company, famous for its simulations in the 1990s returned with a remake of one of its classics, B-17 Flying Fortress, earlier this year and also plans to revisit many of its popular old IPs going forward but has also been looking for new games to add to its stable.

Green Hawk Platoon is a single and multi-player shooter developed by RetroPixel Digital which sees you play as a small green army figurine in a platoon fighting your way through a family home.

The action-packed gameplay will include tanks, jeeps, helicopters, planes, parachutes, and rockets. The description on Steam also says weapons will be fully customizable and that there will be a variety of character classes such as medics, engineers, and commandos. It will feature household hazards including cats and squirrels too.

Promo for Green Hawk Platoon

“We’re ecstatic to become part of the MicroProse family and to have some major support behind the project,” the RetroPixel Digital team said on Steam. “Having played MicroProse games as kids also really adds to that nostalgic feeling that we are so desperately chasing with this whole game.”

The game underwent beta testing earlier this year with a few hundred players. The developers say they have listened to feedback and “have worked tirelessly to address bugs, implement your ideas, and expand the overall experience by adding new mechanics, fine-tuning existing ones, and polishing the game”.

The trailer accompanying the announcement doesn’t show any gameplay but provides an idea of the vibe the devs are trying to get to showing little green Army men attacking each other. Green Hawk Platoon’s release date is yet to be announced but can be added to your wish list on Steam or the Epic Games store now.

Featured image credit: RetroPixel Digital 

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Freya Deyell
Tech Journalist

Freelance writer from the UK

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