Last month, we told you about Google’s Flu Trends’ expansion to 20 countries around the world. The program monitors mentions of flu symptoms to predict – and hopefulyl help prevent – flu outbreaks.

Today, Google has announced a new feature of Maps that will allow users to find flu vaccines near them. In partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the American Lung Associaltion, and, Google Maps is now helping users search for seasonal flu vaccination locations, H1N1 flu shots, or both together.
Project managers Roni Zeiger, M.D., and Jennifer Haroon wrote on the official Google blog, “Especially given slower than expected vaccine production, we think it’s important to bring together flu shot information in a coherent manner. We’ve been working with HHS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local health agencies to gather information on flu vaccine locations across the country, particularly for the H1N1 flu vaccine (both the nasal-spray vaccine and the shot).”
Now, Google has gathered information about locations of flu vaccine shots from 20 states in the U.S. Google is also collecting information from chain pharmacies and other vaccine providers in all 50 states. Currently, users can find vaccine shots available from retail chains such as Walgreen’s, CVS, Kmart, and WinnDixie.

The application gives vaccine location hours, when available, and even lets users know when vaccine supplies have run out at a particular location. All in all, it’s a useful tool for quickly and simply finding the nearest place to get a flu shot.
For more information on how Flu Trends works, check out this video from