Google Plus has enabled locking and closing of comments on posts before sharing. Users can now decide not to allow commenting or resharing before clicking ‘Share,’ instead of rushing to change the setting after the post becomes visible to others.

Engineer Ebby Amirebrahimi says this feature was added by popular demand. With today’s opening of the API for search, comments and +1s, it’s important that users have control over the conversations they start.
In his public post, Amirebrahimi says, “We’ve heard from many of you that you want these disable and lock options before you share, not after. So today I’m happy to say that we’re doing exactly that.” Here’s his demo video:
Google Plus has offered extensive privacy controls since it launched, but it appears from today’s update that users have been clamoring for even more. We found last month that Google Plus users are 2-3 times more likely to post privately than publicly. With the huge influx of traffic since the gates opened in late September, Google has to get user privacy right.
Do you feel like Google Plus has enough privacy controls?