Home Gear S3 now available to buy in the UK, No need to pre-order

Gear S3 now available to buy in the UK, No need to pre-order

The Samsung Gear S3 was first available to pre-order in the UK at the end of october, but unfortunately went out of stock. Later stock levels were replenished and again potential S3 owners could pre-order once again. Now, the good news is that the S3 is available to buy now and both the Gear S3 Frontier and Gear S3 classic are available for £349.
Samsung have been busy delivering the S3 to customers in the UK, so get ordering and yours should be with you soon. Recently WatchMaster have collaborated with Romanson to create some swiss-made watch faces for the S3 launch so you might want to check them out as well.
The S2 / S3 Tizen smartwatches feature a unique rotating bezel that lets you navigate screens, menus, and selection boxes with a simple twist. The Frontier has a more rugged appeal to it while the Classic variant as the name suggests offers a classic and formal look suited for (not limited to) the corporate life. Both S3 variants feature a 1.3 inch 360x360p circular display and carry forward the rotating bezels that was a huge hit in the Gear S2. The smartwatches have an array of sensors like GPS, Accelerometer, Gyro, Barometer, HRM, and Altimeter embedded into them to handle all the health, tracking and monitoring services.
Are you ready to order the S3 ? Head on over to the Samsung UK website.

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