Most “quizzes” that purport to tell us what kind of person we are disappoint, reduce or mislead. How much moreso then Facebook quizzes? But there is one Facebook quiz that seems to actually work. It’s the Autism Spectrum Quotient Test.

Autism, a disorder that affects communication and social skills, has gained a more prominent place in the public imagination in the last couple of years. As has Facebook. So it shouldn’t be a surprise, perhaps, that the two might get together.
The danger of taking Facebook quizzes seriously may be matched with the difficulty in doing so, especially when the quiz’s author, Simon Baron-Cohen, is Borat‘s cousin.
Over the years, certain indicators have grown up that indicated apparent reliability. The New York Times, most believed, was reliable, while the New American maybe not; the Mayo Clinic was reliable, but maybe not Ozark Jimmy‘s Holistic Healing and Toilet Bacon Dispensary. But how to do it in the anything-goes atmosphere of the Internet?

I asked my a few people how they do it. ReadWriteWeb founder Richard McManus, says that although he relies on his instincts, he also cross-checks things. I tend to rely on small-a authority for a first pass. That is, a doctor who studies autism feels like a better bet than someone with a great track-record in, say, dowsing. But my personal experience of their reliability, along with how well their assertions hold together makes a big difference too. Twitter buddy Marisa Carullo also pays attention to who is presenting the information, and how; in other words, context is king.
But how many of us do much in the way of research online when it comes to “fun” stuff like Facebook? Is Facebook even a place for such things? What do you think?
As Lemondrop pointed out, this test is for screening. It is helpful in determining who may have an autism spectrum disorder.
(And for the curious, who are no doubt legion – I am at a great distance from the spectrum in question.)