If you have purchased a Ford with its SYNC software package in the past several years, starting early next year you can upgrade your car to the latest version that it will be shipping in its 2013 models, and for free. Yes, finally there is a car company that operates like a computer company, and I mean that in all the good aspects. (Note: I have test driven numerous Ford and Lincoln models, and own one myself.)

The new version of MyFord Touch will be faster, with snazzier graphics, larger and more-readable type fonts (as you can see here) and better touch-responsiveness. New features include support for tablet devices and listening to Audible.com audiobooks, improved navigation maps and enhanced voice recognition interaction. For example, a driver can ask the system to find the current St. Louis Cardinals game playing on the radio by saying “Tune to St. Louis Cardinals game.”

Ford has this video showing you the new features:
When I used the SYNC features, getting directions via just voice recognition was often frustrating, particularly if the street name and number were complex (10456 Old Dominion Parkway West, for example). Hopefully, the new software will fix this.