Over the Weekend the Flourish 2011 Open Source Conference took place in Chicago. Unfortunately we could not attend but we did dig up some information for you.
One of the sessions of particular interest to us was by Rajesh Lal from Nokia titled Fun with QML and JavaScript on MeeGo
Build cutting edge mobile applications using QML and JavaScript on MeeGo devices. Know how to apply some advanced graphics and animations with simple QML and see how JavaScript allows you to create a feature rich application. A tutorial with live demos targeted to beginner to intermediate Mobile developers interested in developing mobile applications on Linux based Mobile Devices. No C++ required.
Update: Video of the presentation added:
Here is the source code for Game demo of “Angry Developer” for the Nokia N900
About Flourish:
Welcome to the Flourish 2011 Open Source Conference site! Our goal is to promote the use of open source software and provide an annual gathering place in Chicago for open source enthusiasts. This will be the fifth anniversary of the Flourish conference. As usual, the conference is free to everyone and all are invited to participate.
Thanks to Rajesh for the Info and pics by way of pdp7.