An interesting update to our post earlier this week about fake Social Network user profiles, created for marketing purposes. A Flickr forum thread states that the Red Passion user (the one referenced in our post, representing a marketing campaign for a beverages company) has now been terminated. Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield made this comment in the thread a few days ago:
“Actually, I had just come across this article on the account. We will probably be deleting the account, but I’m curious and this is FlickrIdeas: what do YOU think about it? “
There is some interesting debate after Stewart’s comment – not dissimilar to the opinions voiced on R/WW, that Red Passion violates some ethical principles around social networks. But the upshot is that Flickr has now terminated the Red Passion account.
Hasta la vista baby!

Red Passion on Flickr earlier this week, pre-termination