MeeCast is a User-friendly weather application interface that has been optimized for Tizen OS screen. Its gret to announce that the Final release has been submitted to the Tizen Store
Main Features:
The MeeCast application has the ability to work as standalone application,Home Icon Widget and also can show the weather state on Lock Screen.
- Multiple customizable sources including open weather source
- Multiple locations
- There are 11 sets of icons and three modifications for Home Icon Widget mode
- Use different measurement Units
- Adjustable GPS station
- Flexible setting of updating period
- And MeeCast has almost 30 translations on various languages
The OpenWeatherMap is a cartographic service that provides global weather data. We use interactive maps that let you find detailed weather data in any location. We collect data from meteorological stations and global meteorological data centers, as well as from scientific laboratories. We provide free API to weather data in a format of JSON, XML and WMS.
Source code can be found on github