Home Fastest-Growing Multi-Chain Base Meme Coin with 100x Potential

Fastest-Growing Multi-Chain Base Meme Coin with 100x Potential

In the first week of the Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) presale, strong investor interest pushed it past the $1 million mark, making it one of the best cryptos to buy now.

The project is gaining attention because it’s on a popular crypto chain and offers several unique features. This early success has investors wondering if $DAWGZ could be the next big meme coin on the Base chain.

Let’s take a look and see what features it offers.

Coinbase’s Smart Wallet launch boosts Base Coins, including Base Dawgz

Last week, Coinbase launched its much-anticipated Smart Wallet. This wallet simplifies getting started on its decentralized blockchain, Base, where Base Dawgz and other popular meme coins are found.

Coinbase’s 110 million users can now easily access on-chain cryptocurrencies without managing seed phrases or downloading a separate app. The wallet has been praised for its advanced, beginner-friendly user experience, making it much easier to use than older wallets.

With this new technology and Coinbase’s large user base, attention has shifted to the Base network, the first stop for Smart Wallet users. As a result, Base meme coins have seen significant success this week, with Brett, the top coin, rising 38%.

Even more impressive, this happened while 13 of the top 15 meme coins in the market were down. Other Base meme coins like Basenji and ChompCoin have seen gains of over 100% this week. The excitement about Coinbase’s Smart Wallet is very high. Because of this, Base Dawgz is emerging as one of the most promising new meme coin launches.

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ): Multi-chain meme coin with successful presale

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) is a new meme coin launched on the Base chain with a unique concept of multi-chain interoperability. The project aims to capitalize on the growing popularity of meme coins by offering users an engaging and rewarding experience.

The $DAWGZ token can be used across major blockchain networks like Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Polygon, thanks to Web3 technologies like Wormhole and Portal Bridge.

This cross-chain functionality allows users to easily interact and transact across these networks, enhancing the coin’s appeal and usability. The project focuses on community engagement, rewarding users for their participation, making it a promising entry in the crowded meme coin space.

Base Dawgz’s presale has quickly attracted investors, raising $1 million. The second stage of the presale recently started with a current price of $0.00502. The presale is open to all, requiring a minimum investment of only $5. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Base Dawgz tokens here.

This stage offers multiple payment options, including ETH, BNB, AVAX, and SOL, giving investors flexibility. The presale is structured in stages, with the token price set to increase throughout the campaign, so potential buyers should act quickly for the lowest price offers.

For the latest updates, follow Base Dawgz on X account or join its Telegram channel.

Base Dawgz: Building Community with staking rewards and Share-to-Earn airdrop

Base Dawgz stands out in the meme coin market because of its standout features. One standout feature is its broad multi-chain capability, previously mentioned, enabling users to utilize $DAWGZ across various blockchain platforms. This expands the user base and lowers the risks of relying on a single blockchain network.

Base Dawgz is already active on Ethereum, Solana, BSC, and Avalanche. So, if attention shifts to Solana next week, Base Dawgz will keep thriving. This resilience could make Base Dawgz the strongest meme coin on Base.

In addition to its multi-chain accessibility, Base Dawgz is boosting its community growth potential through staking and a referral program. With staking, holders can earn rewards by locking their tokens in the project’s smart contract.

Though this feature hasn’t launched yet, it’s expected to reduce selling pressure while creating new demand. 20% of the token’s total supply is reserved for staking rewards. The referral program, called refer-and-earn, is another appealing feature in the Base Dawgz ecosystem.

Base Dawgz Refer-to-Earn Features

This setup allows community members to earn commissions by promoting the project on social media. Essentially, refer-and-earn gives holders more incentive to grow the community. The feature is live, and you can get a referral code from the project’s website by clicking the “refer and earn” button.

For each successful referral, you’ll receive 10% of the presale investment in USDT at the end of the IEO. With these features, along with the advantageous timing of launching on Base and the rising popularity of dog-themed meme coins, Base Dawgz emerges as a significant player in the market.

To participate in the $DAWGZ token presale, visit basedawgz.com.


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Alvin Hemedez
Crypto Writer

Alvin Hemedez is a cryptocurrency analyst, finding a talent for the technical side of blockchain with his background and degree in Industrial Engineering. Hailing from Los Baños, Calabarzon in the Philippines, Alvin's work experience includes managing the eCommerce side of Shopee PH, Singapore and South East Asia's equivalent of Amazon with a base in the Philippines. Alvin's current news coverage on ReadWrite includes a special focus on emerging projects and new ICOs.

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