Earlier this year, we reported on speculation that Facebook would begin selling event tickets with the help of Eventbrite. While we haven’t seen this potential realized, Eventbrite announced this morning that it would begin offering a closer integration with Facebook, by allowing users to connect with their Facebook social graph.

Unfortunately, it seems that Facebook has yet to jump into the ticket sales market – a realm that seems ripe for the social context Facebook so easily provides. And with the continual evolution of Facebook Credits, we can only wonder – what’s the hold up?
The idea behind the integration is simple, according to the blog post on Eventbrite. “We think that one of the best ways to find new events – whether they be concerts or conferences or college parties – is simply to see what your friends are doing,” the company writes.

The integration is an obvious one and leaves us to wonder when Facebook will take the next step – selling tickets to events on its website. Already, the social network has begun allowing users to purchase airline tickets directly on Facebook.
As a social center, the move to selling tickets seems long overdue. The site has even worked to redefine its virtual currency, Facebook Credits, and has even started offering the on-site currency as a gift card.
Either way, it seems that a deeper integration of Facebook on Eventbrite would actually squish earlier rumors, rather than bolster them. And for now at least, it looks like we’ll have to continue going elsewhere to purchase tickets to events we find out our friends are attending via Facebook.