Home 5 Resources for Migrating to the Cloud Securely

5 Resources for Migrating to the Cloud Securely

A recent poll found that most enterprises that have already become infrastructure-as-a-service customers worry much less about cloud security than companies that are only thinking about making the leap. But for the rest of you, security remains the number one concern when considering the cloud. If you’re under pressure to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing, but need to ensure a high level of security, here are a few companies with products and services that can help you make the move without losing sleep.

Trend Micro SecureCloud

Trend Micro announced the public beta of its new SecureCloud SaaS today. SecureCloud enables you to store encrypted data in the cloud while controlling your own keys using Trend’s key-management technology. The advantage here are that customers, not the providers, own their own keys without the need to create a complex secure file infrastructure. SecureCloud is currently offered only as an SaaS, but Trend promises an on-premise solution soon.

Trend has also released today a new version of its Deep Security product, a clientless security system for both physical and virtual servers.


EnSTratus offers enterprise cloud encryption, key management, a user management for the cloud, and many other solutions. EnSTratus works by separating the roles of infrastructure provider from the role of security provider. EnSTratus holds encryption keys and manages user access from its own SaaS solution, shielding data housed in the public cloud from unauthorized access. ReadWriteCloud’s coverage of EnStratus is here.


For those only needing storage and looking for a simple, solution Nasuni takes a different approach with its on-site/cloud hybrid product Nasuni Filer. The company setups up a NAS-like local device that caches data from its encrypted cloud storage for faster performance. Nasuni has multiple cloud hosting providers, including Amazon Simple Storage Service and RackSpace.


Irdeto, which started out as a DRM company, is paying a lot of attention to the cloud computing. For enterprises that just need to control user access, Irdeto‘s Cloakware manages privledged account passwords, both in the cloud or in your enterprise.


Fortify, the software testing company recently acquired by HP, works with companies to ensure that applications developed for private data-centers are cloud-ready.

How Do You Secure Your Cloud

Have you worked with any of the vendors mentioned in this article, or are you using other solutions? Let us know!

Image credit: Bichuas (E. Carton)

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