Online classifieds service edgeiojust launched. I tested the service out recently and on ZDNet I’ve posted my thoughts.

I love the concept of edgeio, because it’s almost exactly the same ideal as the Structured Blogging initiative. Structured blogging means publishing different kinds of information – like events, reviews and classified ads – in a ‘structured’ format, so that aggregators can pick up the data from all over the Web. In fact, at the bottom of the homepage is a pretty good description of what edgeio does!
“Now anyone can build applications or services based on the structure of an entry. Using Structured Blogging, […] buyers and sellers of goods can publish what they want to buy or sell and have those posts searched and listed by any number of search services.”
Replace “any number of search services” with the word “edgeio” – that’s what edgeio is about.
[Full story on ZDNet…]