No, Nude.js isn’t a Node.js parody or alternative. In fact, I was kind of disappointed to discover that it wasn’t. I’ve become that special sort of geek that would rather read about server side JavaScript than about nudity.

But this is actually pretty cool. It may seem prudish, but if you have antiporn rules you need to enforce on any sort of Web app that allows uploads, this could be helpful. The author, Patrick Wied, suggests it could be used in client-side proxies to ensure child-safe surfing.
Wied writes:
nude.js is a JavaScript implementation of a nudity scanner based on approaches from research papers. HTMLCanvas makes it possible to analyse image data and return whether it’s nude or not. The script only detects nudity, the rest of the programming logic (image swap/auto-save 😉 /whatever) belongs to the programmer.
Wied’s also written an article on the first improvements and next steps for the program here.
You can download the sourcecode from Github.
What do you think? Cooler than this HTML5-based face detector?