Another Destiny 2 content drop means more Exotics entering the game with powerful unique attributes that’ll spice things up a bit.
Heresy takes us back to the Dreadnaught, an iconic destination in the original Destiny that saw Guardians face The Taken King.
Even though you’re heading back to the Hive-themed ship once more, there are brand new Exotics entering the fray, and here, we’ll take a look at them all, revealing their perks and more.
Destiny 2 Heresy Exotics: What you need to know
In the Destiny 2 Heresy Act 1 Developer Livestream, we got our first look at what the revamped Dreadnaught has to offer.
While we also got a taste of the Star Wars collaboration, the new Exotics were revealed.
The first of these is the Barrow-Dyad, a Strand Exotic Submachine Gun that certainly looks interesting.
With a circular aesthetic rather than the traditional gun model, it definitely fits the theme of the Episode.
The Exotic Intrinsic Trait also follows suit, appearing to be extremely useful in fights on the Dreadnaught.
This is called Panic Response and this is the description: This weapon generates blight as it deals damage. While not firing, blight depletes, and the magazine is gradually refilled. Reload the weapon to convert stored blight into Blight Seekers.
Next up we have the Lodestar — an Exotic Trace Rifle that looks to make things electric in your fight against the Taken.
If you’re thinking Lodestar brings back a bit of a familiar feeling, you’re not going insane — it was leaked about a year ago, albeit just the image of it, not a name or how it works.
Now we have the full lowdown, we know that you’ll be beaming enemies aplenty with the Starlight Beam Intrinsic Trait that “fires a low-intensity Arc beam with enhanced stability and accuracy.”
This, coupled with its Arc Alignment Trait which utilizes Jolt for added damage, allowing you to motor through groups of adversaries.
Unfortunately, that’s your lot for Heresy so far — there has been no Exotic armor announced much to the dismay of hyped players.
We’ll see what the additional Acts bring because if the previous Episodes are anything to go by, there will be more Exotics on offer.