Just about everyone has been exposed to the concept of flashcards. Whether trying to study for a geography quiz or learning a foreign language, the method of using Q&A cards to train your brain to remember has remained a popular study method. But, the concept hasn’t really made the leap to the Web, until now. Introducing Cramberry, the flashcards you know and love, only on the Web.

Granted, Cramberry is incredibly simple. The cards are fairly rudimentary, but they serve the purpose. Quite frankly, they’re better than the scribbled notes on index cards that many of us used. And yet, Cramberry has the potential to be incredibly useful by taking a familiar technique and making it much easier to use.
After logging in, you will be prompted to create sets of cards with any information you want to study. Questions on the front, answers on the back.
Once the set is ready, you can begin flipping through the cards, testing your knowledge. Then, you can mark whether you got the answer right or wrong. All of this information feeds the algorithm, which serves up the cards in an order that helps you practice the topics that you’re missing while keeping you refreshed on the topics you know.
But the true value of Cramberry is the fact that the service makes your flashcards accessible wherever you go. Use them while you’re sitting at your desk, at the coffee shop, or even on your phone.

What if you don’t want to build flashcards? Cramberry has just announced that they’ll begin releasing a library of public cards in the not too distant future. Once available, you’ll be able to choose from any number of topics on which you’d like to learn.
Again, a simple service. But sometimes, it’s those simple things – like something as simple as saving your bookmarks to the Web – that provide the most value. If you’re having trouble remembering some important facts, give Cramberry a try.