Oh, SOPA – you do know how to hold an audience. The Stop Online Piracy Act (or the Shut Off Pretty much Anything act, depending on your perspective) has been delayed with Friday’s adjournment of the House Judiciary Committee, and exactly when a vote might be scheduled is still up in the air.

And less than two weeks after I ran a cartoon here about Reddit’s popular AMA (Ask Me Anything) discussion threads, committee member Rep. Zoe Lofgren held an AMA discussing SOPA. (Concidence?! … Yes, almost certainly. But still.)
In it, she warns that “If I had to bet right now (no, not a $10,000 bet!) I would guess that SOPA proponents currently have the upper hand in Congress.” But she adds, “that is because you have not yet been heard from fully yet. That is very much subject to change.”
So, American cousins — have you contacted Congress yet? And if so, which side have you come down on? (As for where I stand, you can probably guess from the cartoon.)
More Noise to Signal cartoons available here (unless some drastically wrong-minded legislation happens to pass)